Chapter 10

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Ran shouted at Jeongyeon and threw an extra exo pump at her before turning and firing at the weird people.

I adjusted my position on Tzuyu's lap and aimed at those weird people before firing my exo pistol.

Though I missed several times, I hit some of them a few times.

The ones I hit simply paused for less than half a second before sprinting again.

I cursed and shouted at Chaeyoung, "Can we go faster? Somehow those people are catching up to us!"

"I'm going the fastest I think we can go!!" Chaeyoung shouted back.

"Well you're going to have to think we can go faster because otherwise those things are going to catch up!" Jihyo shouted and fired the exo pistol in her hand.

We blasted one together several times.

The person staggered backwards slightly before running again.

"Alright. Y/n, Ran, Jeongyoen. Let's shoot at the ones closest to the Buggy. Leave the ones in the back." Jihyo said. "I think if we concentrate out fire on one at a time. They will actually be stunned."

We nodded and started firing at the closest ones.

With four exo pistols hitting them at once, the people actually staggered backwards and was stunned for a second.

"What are these people because that's not normal?" Ran asked.

"I'm not sure." Jihyo said. "I haven't met them before today either."

"Well who or whatever they are." Tzuyu said. "They're obviously not going to stop any time soon."

"Just keep shooting at them!" I exclaimed and firred my exo pistol.

"We're almost to the city!!" Chaeyoung yelled at us.

We glanced in front of us and saw the huge city rising into the distance with large concrete walls surrounding it. 

As if hearing that strengthened them, the weird people suddenly started going even faster.

Ran cursed and shouted, "Hurry up and guys and shoot at them."

We turned towards the back again and started firing our exo pistols.

Several of them were staggered by our exo pistols but most of them were still running at us and closing the distance despite our best efforts.

I aimed at one and fired at it along with Jeongyeon and Ran.

Urgh. There's no stopping them. I thought and turned around so that I was facing Tzuyu and straddling her hips and thighs. 

"Sorry." I said to her before putting my arms around her head and firing my exo pistol.

Tzuyu suddenly stiffened and her breath hitched.

What is wrong with her? I thought glancing at Tzuyu whose face was red.

I shrugged and thought, I'll ask her later.

Suddenly, the Buggy started shaking as it drove over the rough terrain that was on the ground East of the city.

Tzuyu's arms wrapped around my waist and held me close to her so I wouldn't move around.

"Thanks." I said and continued firing.

"We're almost to the gate!!" Chaeyoung yelled at us.

Suddenly, one of the weird people leaped forward and grabbed the Buggy.

"What the-?!" Ran said before they started climbing up the side of the Buggy.

I aimed my exo pistol at the person but they suddenly grabbed my wrist and looked at me with empty eyes.

"Hello." The person said before squeezing my wrist so hard that everyone heard cracking.

I cried out as the pain spread like fire through my arm and then my entire body.

"Y/n!!" Tzuyu and Jeongyeon cried out.

Chaeyoung glanced at the person before attempting to hit them while driving.

Tzuyu grabbed the person's hand and attempted to wrench the fingers apart but they remained shut around my wrist.

Ran grabbed the person by their hair and punched them so hard their nose broke and several teeth fell out.

"Let go of her!!" She yelled and blasted them in the face with the exo pistol several times.

It didn't release my wrist though and started pulling itself into the Buggy.

Jihyo grabbed the person's hand and wrenched its fingers open from their vise-like grip on my wrist.

Ran then elbowed them in the face before twisting in her seat and kicking them in the chest.

The person fell out of the Buggy and rolled along the ground several times.

I hissed in pain and looked at my heavily bruised wrist.

Tzuyu grabbed it gently and looked at it with concern on her face.

"Y/n. Are you okay?" Ran asked and looked at my wrist. "I mean obviously not but still...."

"It hurts. A lot." I said and bit my lips.

Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung looked at me with worried looks.

"Hey. Those people suddenly stopped chasing us." Jihyo said and we looked up.

The other people had indeed stopped and were standing there looking at us.

Ran held up her middle finger to them and stuck out her tongue.

The rest of us chuckled and shook their heads a little.

"Well. Why did they stop though?" Jihyo asked staring at them.

"Probably because we're right at the gate." Chaeyoung said.

We looked to see the huge looming metal gate in front of the Buggy.

Several armed guards stood in front of it. And they were not armed with exo pistols.

My wrist stilled throbbed in pain and I bit my lips again to keep from a moan from coming out.

Tzuyu glanced at me before looking at my wrist and leaning forward to gently plant her soft lips on it.

My eyes widened and my heart suddenly started beating faster.

W-What the-?! I thought.



It's all coming together now.


Hey. Here's an update for you.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See you next chapter!!!

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