Chapter 13

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Jihyo POV

I sighed and said, "Is this place private enough for you?"

"Yes." Chaeyeon said crossing her arms. "So do you have the intel?"

"I got the intel you wanted." I said crossing my arms as well. "But I want to make sure that you don't go back on your word."

She sighed and said, "I will provide you with the resources you need. I swear it."

"Prove it. I'm not exactly a trusting person." I said.

She sighed again before pulling out a device from her pocket.

It was shaped like a disk and had a strange, blue, and dome-like protrusion at the top.

The protrusion flickered and emitted a blue light before projecting the image of a person who seemed a bit startled.

"War Chancellor Dahyun? Where is Transport Chancellor Eunwoo?" Chaeyeon asked with a confused look on her face.

That's a new face. Must be a newly promoted individual. Fairly young-looking as well. I thought. She looks like Y/n though....

"I-I'm sorry, Minister Chaeyeon. Chancellor Eunwoo had to oversee to the launching of the new airships so he is unavailable at the moment." Dahyun said and bowed respectfully. "My apologies."

"It's fine Dahyun. Can you show Ms. Jihyo over here the resources I promised her?" Chaeyeon asked her.

"Of course, Minister." She said and the image flickered before it settled upon the image of a large airship that was floating at the skydocks. 

"See? An airship for you. State-of-the-art as well. The crates near it are weapons and supplies you asked for." Chaeyeon said to me.

"I see. Alright then, I'll tell you my information." I said and uncrossed my arms before glancing around carefully.

"Minister? Do I leave now?" Dahyun asked. 

"No. You should hear this since you're in charge of defense." Chaeyeon said before gesturing at me to talk.

"I went to the location you requested. The old Exo factory. And I discovered..." I said pausing a bit before continuing. "'s active. I encountered several exosaurs and exo soldiers inside there. It's producing new units."

Chaeyeon frowned and looked at Dahyun with a grim expression.

Dahyun put a hand under her chin and frowned.

"Now that's troubling news. That exo factory isn't too far away from the city. If they gather the sufficient numbers....then they could destroy the city and slaughter everyone inside." Dahyun said and scowled a bit.

"Yes. That is very troubling. Especially for us. I'll tell the guards to be on look-out but we might need to use the Reserve Army." Chaeyeon said before turning to me. "Go to the Central Tower. Dahyun will be there to give you the keys to the airship. Thank you for doing this for us."

"It's just a job." I said dismissively. "Besides, it was no trouble at all." 

"Still, I thank you. It could have been dangerous for us if we hadn't found out about it and were unprepared." She said before holding out her hand for me to shake. "I hope you are successful in your goal."

I nodded and shook her head.

"Hope you take care of this problem without losing too much people." I said and walked away.

Hmmmmm.....from the numbers I saw....they don't stand a chance. I thought and bit my lips nervously while glancing at Chaeyeon who was talking to Dahyun.


"So, your arm should be good as new in a few days. Just don't try to put too much stress on it." Chase said and handed me a piece of paper with information on it.

"Thank you Chase." I said smiling at him.

"It was nothing. Only the best for our patients." He said shaking his head.

"Well, we'll be off now. Thanks for taking care of her." Ran said and we all waved before walking out, Ran shot a glare though at Chase making him gulp.

"Ahhh. Freedom!" I said stretching my free arm.

"Yeah. After you were stuck in there for about 3 hours." Chaeyoung said shaking her head.

"Hmmph. My wrist hurt you know when those things squeezed it." I said jabbing my finger at her.

"What were those things anyway?" Tzuyu asked.

"No idea." Jeongyeon said shrugging. "First time I've seen them."

"Yeah. They seemed really strange..." I said and thought back to the incident with them.

They seemed so....robotic. I thought to myself.

"Well, next time I meet them, I'll roundhouse kick them so hard all of their brains will splatter against their skull." Ran said cracking her toes then wincing in pain. "Ow. Bad idea."

Me and Chaeyoung chuckled at her.

"You sure that you're alright, Y/n?" Tzuyu asked with concern written all over face.

I smiled and said, "Aww Tzuyu. Are you getting soft on me?"

She blushed and said, "Just answer the question, you baka."

"Nah. My wrist and arm feel fine. I think I just need to wait a few days like the doctor said." I said.

"Wow. Doing what the doctor actually told you to do? Who'd have thought that would help your treatment." Ran said in an exaggerated tone and shook her head.

"Oh shut it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Anyways, where's Jihyo?" Jeongyeon said looking around. "She's been gone a long time."

"I'm right here." Jihyo said walking up. "And I have some things I need to talk to you guys about."

"What do you need to talk about?" I asked her.

"About...recent developments." She said before gesturing to follow her. "I've got a place to stay here so follow me."

We all glanced at each other before following her.


Oooohhhh. A new update!!!!! Well this is quite a surprise.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

See you next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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