Chapter 3

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"If you guys are finished ogling me. You can come help me out here." I said looking up.

"I wasn't." Ran said. "In fact, I was trying not to puke from the pure ugliness I was exposed to."

"Ha ha." I said rolling my eyes. "Chaeyoung. Jeongyeon. Throw in a teaspoon of salt and get the big bag."

They both jolted, before Jeongyeon ran to get a teaspoon of salt with a smirk on her face. Chaeyoung just blushed before hesitantly walking over to the big bag.

I sighed and was about to stir the stew again when Tzuyu sat down next to me.

I glanced at her to see her staring forward with an emotionless expression.

What a lovely side view. I thought before going back to my stew. What's up with her though?

After a while, I finished making the stew and handed out equal portions to everybody.

When I handed it to Tzuyu, she glanced down briefly and blushed immediately before taking the portion and eating it quickly.

What's up with her? I thought to myself.

I shrugged.

"Hey Ran. Mind going out with me and Jeongyeon to check out this place?" I asked.

"Yes. I do mind." Ran said eating her stew.

I held my hand to stop it from punching Ran in the face.

Calm down Y/n. She's your best friend. It's not worth it. I thought while trying to calm myself down.

I huffed and said, "Fine. I'll give you extra portions during dinner."

"I can cook you know." She said not even looking up.

"Not as well as me." I said glaring at her.

Ran paused for a bit.

"Fine. I'll go with you two on your little expedition." She said before setting aside her finished stew.

Ran got up and walked to her room.

"She's always moody in the mornings." I said rolling my eyes.

"If you keep rolling your eyes they'll fall out you know." Jeongyeon said.

"Be quiet." I said and finished my stew. "Hurry up and get ready, too."

I walked to my room and pulled off my nightgown and put on my clothes that I wore yesterday.

I got out my scarf and wrapped it around my face so that it covered my mouth and nose.

Then, I put on some goggles and walked out.

A few minutes later, Ran and Jeongyeon walked into the garage.

"Where is this place we're going to anyway?" Ran asked.

"Just over there." Jeongyeon said pointing towards the right of the base. "Walk for a while in that direction and we should come across it."

Ran nodded and I got the sled before we headed out.

"Bye and try to come back alive." Chaeyoung called out to us.

"Sure thing." We called back and waved at her before leaving.

A few minutes later

"How much longer?" Ran asked.

"Not much." Jeongyeon said. "Should be just over that sand dune."

"Okay." She said.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of fighting.

We glanced at each other before sprinting over the dune.

A figure, that was wearing a mask and a scarf wrapped around her like mine was, was fighting off 5 exo soldiers.

They aimed their rifles at the person and fired several bolts of energy.

The person dodged all of them before leaping forward with a knife that glowed orange for a few seconds as it cut straight through the exo soldier's armor and slashed their core open.

It shuddered and sparked before collapsing onto the ground with a brief explosion.

Another exo soldier sneaked up from behind and kicked the person forward.

They rolled several times before getting onto their feet.

I saw the exo soldiers aiming their rifles at her and I brought out my exo pistol.

Ran and Jeongyeon did the same.

Fudge. I never fight exos. Always avoid them. That's the rule. But I guess I have to make an exception this one time. I thought.

"Hey!! Bucketheads!!! Over here!!" I yelled and fired at them with my exo pistol.

Two of them turned towards us and faced a barrage from our exo pistols.

Several of them hit their exo cores and they sparked and hissed before letting out a pulse that shut down the exos.

The other two fired at the person who dodged them before flinging her knife at one's exo core.

It sparked before shutting down and falling to the ground.

The final exo soldier shot at me.

What the- I thought before flinging myself to the side.

A bolt of energy still grazed my stomach and I gave out a yelp.

That hurts!! I thought as it felt like a hot coal was put on my skin.

I clenched my fists and got up.

Jeongyeon and Ran shot their exo pistols at the exo soldier and it went down.

"Y/n!! Are you okay?" Ran asked and ran over to me with a worried expression.

"A bolt grazed me. Not a big deal." I said wincing.

Jeongyeon ran over and lifted my shirt.

There was a small burn mark where the bolt grazed me and some blood was oozing out of the wound but there was nothing too serious.

"Get on the sled." Jeongyeon said.

"No I don't need to ge-" I protested before Ran clamped her hand over my mouth.

"Y/n. Get. On. The. Sled." She said through gritted teeth.

I obediently got onto the sled.

"Hey you three." The person called out to us. 

We turned towards them.

"Who are you?" Jeongyeon asked aiming at them with her exo pistol.

" name is Jihyo." 


Well well. Jihyo is here. Then I guess it's time to reevaluate some things.


Likes Y/n? More than slightly but not definite yet

Enigmatic origin


Likes Y/n? Starting to think of her as more of a friend but still a friend for now


Likes Y/n? Yes. 200%


Likes Y/n? Doesn't even know her so no

Who is she????


See you next chapter!!!

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