Chapter 14

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Jihyo POV

I don't know if they can handle it.... I thought glancing around at the city. An invasion from the Exos....leaves only death. 

"Jihyo?" Y/n said in a concerned voice.

"Hmmm?" I said and shook my head.

I turned my head towards her and looked at her quizzically. 

"You were spacing out there." Y/n said imitating me.

"Yeah. What were you thinking about back there?" Jeongyeon asked me. 

Should I tell them...... I thought. Hmmm....later. First, I'll have to go to a place to stay.

"Just some meaningless thoughts." I said and turned forward. "We're almost to the place. Stick close to me."

I walked forward and turned a corner.

There stood a large luxurious building surrounded by guards.

"Woah. Is that the Gold's Luster?" Ran asked whistling. "That's where you're staying?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Are you rich?" She asked.

"Sort of. I get payed a lot for certain jobs." I answered.

"What kind of jobs do you do?" Tzuyu asked me.

"Dangerous ones." I vaguely said.

They glanced at me but didn't question me further.

As we walked towards the building, one of the guards walked up to us.

"Excuse me, but you need a pass to enter this building." He said.

"No need." I said showing my ID. 

"Oh? Ms. Park? You can go in. My apologies." He said bowing his head slightly. "I assume the rest of these people are with you?"

"Yes. Let through as well." I said.

"Alright, ma'am." He said and told the rest of the guards to let us through.

"Wow." Y/n and Chaeyoung exclaimed and looked at me sparkling eyes. "You have a lot of influence here."

I smiled a bit at that.

"Yeah........let's go in shall we?" I said and we walked in.

"Hmmph. Why aren't we rich, jagi?" Jeongyeon said in a cute voice to Y/n.

"Because we're poor." She answered.

"What?" Ran said blinking her eyes.

"I think Y/n meant to say is we don't do anything to earn a lot of money." Tzuyu said covering for Y/n.

"Yes. That's totally what I meant." Y/n said chuckling nervously.

"Uhhhh.....okay." Jeongyeon said.

I shook my head and walked inside.

The inside contained a polished stone floor with wooden walls. Various paintings adorned the walls and rare plants such as golden poppies and giant Venus flytraps were in various pots around the floor.

Jeongyeon, Ran, Y/n, Tzuyu, and Chaeyoung all dropped their jaws upon seeing it.

"This place is.....amazing." Chaeyoung whispered.

"I know right." Ran said aweing at the splendor of the place.

"Ms. Jihyo? The elevator to your room is ready." A women said walking up to us.

"Okay then." I said and signalled for everyone to follow me.

"What is that monster plant over there?" Chaeyoung asked pointing at a giant Venus flytrap.

"Ah that. That's a Giant Venus Flytrap. They're not native to this region so you won't have to worry about seeing them so much." I said.

"What about that one?" She said pointing at a golden poppy.

"That's a golden poppy. Also, not native to this region." I said.

"It looks just like a normal colorful plant. Why is it so important?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Actually, that's actually a modified version of a breadseed poppy which are.......actually that's not that important. Let's go." I said and hurried ahead. 

We all walked into the elevator and the woman pressed a button which made the elevator doors close and the elevator to start to rise.

A song came on that was very reminiscient of a song of a very particular short skeleton from an underground world.

"Hey that's a pretty catchy tune." Jeongyeon said bopping her head to it.

Y/n laughed at her and started bopping her head too.

I sighed and thought, So childish.

After a while, we arrived at my floor and the elevtor doors opened to reveal a huge penthouse. 

"Holey moley!!!" Chaeyoung and Y/n exclaimed and they both ran inside.

"Wait Y/n. You're still injured!" Tzuyu said and ran towards Y/n.

" childish." Ran said shaking her head before stepping forward and slipping backwards onto her butt.

Jeongyeon laughed loudly at her and pointed.

Ran immediately got back onto her feet with her face blushing in embarassment.

"You saw nothing." She said to us with a scary voice.

"Whatever you say." I said before I walked inside my penthouse and looked to see Y/n being carried by Tzuyu back to us with Chaeyoung examining a certain book.

"Enjoying yourselves?" I asked.

"Yeah. This place is huge." Y/n said looking around in awe. "And in way better condition than our destroyed base."

"Well, that's nice to hear. Now sit down, I'm going to tell you guys something that you can not tell anyone else. Ever." I said and went towards one of the sofas and sat down.

They glanced at each other before walking forward and sitting down each at the sofas.

"What is it you have to tell us?" Ran asked with a wary tone.

"Well, it has to do with the mission I was doing when you guys found me." I said.

"You were doing a mission?" Y/n asked frowning.

"Yeah. I was hired by Chaeyeon to do a mission which was to investigate an old Exo factory." I said.

"Wow. That's dangerous." She said.

"Yeah. That's why Chaeyeon hired me to do it." I said.

"Hmmmm....well I've seen you in action so I'll say she hired the right person." Jeongyeon said leaning a bit on Y/n.

Tzuyu had sat Y/n on her lap and had put her chin on top of Y/n's head while she was studying me.

"What did you find?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Well.....the Exo factory was active and was making a large army of Exosaurs. Enough to easily storm this city." I said.

Everyone looked at me in shock.


Heyyyy!!!!!! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you miss me?

Well, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!!

See you in the next one!!!!


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