Chapter 9

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"Well, anybody have any bright ideas?" I asked.

"It'll take us a while to reach the nearest settlement on foot. Luckily, it's Chaeyeon's main base of operations so we should be able to get someone to help us there." Jeongyeon said.

"I can help with that." Jihyo said.

"I was counting on you to." She said nodding at Jihyo.

"We can use the Buggy." Chaeyoung said.

"Is it working?" Ran asked.

"Yep!" Chaeyoung said proudly.

"Since when?" Ran asked with an incredulous expression. "You and Jeongyeon have been working on that for months without even a little success."

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon glanced at each other and winked at Ran.

"Well.....we actually made a lot of progress. We just kept it a secret because it was going to be a surprise." Chaeyoung said smiling proudly with her hands on her hips.

"Wow. I'm impressed." I said clapping.

"Oh, no need to thank us. I know we're just too great for you all but still." Jeongyeon said and bowed at us along with Chaeyoung.

"Uhhhhh......okay?" Ran said. "How far does it go?"

"Well, it should have enough fuel in it to make it to the nearest settlement." Chaeyoung said.

"Yes. That's also where we'll need to find a place to stay because......well, you know." Jeongyeon said gesturing at the ruined house.

"Still annoyed about that." I said huffing and crossing my arms. "It took so long to make this place habitable."

"Yeah. I'll miss this place, too." Tzuyu said softly looking around.

"Well, are we going to stand around talking all day or are we going to go?" Jihyo asked us. "I mean I know losing this place must be a bit traumatic but we have to go before more show up."

"Yeah. As much as I'd like to stay a little longer, we have to go before nighttime comes." Ran said.

Me and Tzuyu sighed and looked around a bit.

"I'll never forget how hot Y/n's thighs looked a few days when she was sitting there." Jeongyeon said and looked fondly at the living room.

"What the-" Tzuyu said glaring at her before blushing at the memory too.

"WHAT?!!" I exclaimed and jump-kicked Jeongyeon. "Y-YOU PERVERT!!"

"OW! Forgive me, please!!" Jeongyeon pleaded as I smacked her over and over again.

"Ummmmm......should we get going?" Chaeyoung said gesturing towards the garage.

"Nah. I want to watch this a bit more." Ran said and sat down with some rice and ate it while watching me smack Jeongyeon.

Jihyo just sighed.

Chaeyoung POV

After those two stopped bickering, we all boarded the Buggy.

"Alright. If my tests proved anything, this should work." I said and pressed a red button.

Immediately, the makeshift vehicle sprung to life and the engine roared as it started up.

"YES!!" Me and Jeongyeon shouted in glee.

"Alright, ladies and...uhhh...more ladies. We're about to take off to our destination, Usan. Please fasten your seat belts and hold tight as we take off." I said in a professional tone.

"Just drive, you cub." Y/n said putting on her safety belt.

"Wow. You guys are no fun." I said pouting and pushed the pedal to accelerate the vehicle.

The engine roared as the wheels propelled the vehicle forward and we drove away from our old base.

I spared it one last glance as we drove away.

"Farewell. Old friend." I muttered and saluted a little before turning back to face the front.

1 hour later

"Are we there yet?" Jihyo asked.

"No. We still have a little ways to go." I said.

"Can we go a little faster?" She asked.

"Nope. Any faster and the axles might give away." Jeongyeon said glancing at Jihyo.

"Hmmph." Jihyo said and plopped back down onto her seat.

Y/n was sitting in the back on Tzuyu's lap while Ran and Jihyo sat on the left and right side of her respectively.

Hmmmm......wonder what we'll do from now on. I thought to myself as I kept driving.

Suddenly, a man walked right in front of the Buggy and jumped onto it.

"AHHHH!!" I yelled and swerved.

"What the-?!" Ran swore.

The man tumbled off of the car when I swerved and I quickly swerved back the other way to get back on course.

"Fudge. Go faster!" Jeongyeon said glancing behind us. 

I turned around and saw ten people running after us with blank expressions on their faces and wearing basic clothing.

What in the world? I thought.

"But didn't you just say that if we went any faster, the axles would give away?" Jihyo asked calmly.

"Well......yeah.....but there's no time for that right now!!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed.

"Hey you guys!!! Stop or I'll shoot!!" Y/n shouted at the people who were actually gaining on us.

"Soldier 36. Come with us peacefully or we'll be forced to bring you through non-peaceful methods." One of them said almost robotically.

What? I thought glancing at Jihyo.

"Jihyo. What is he talking about?" Ran asked.

Jihyo grabbed Tzuyu's exo pistol and leaned out of the window.

She aimed and shot at the approaching weird people. 

The shot slammed into them and they paused for less than half a second before continuing to sprint forward.

"Huh. I thought it would at least stop them for a second." Jihyo said and turned towards Y/n. "You help too. Get your exo pistol out and start firing."

"O-Okay." Y/n stammered as she fumbled a little and got out her exo pistol.

Ran had also risen in her seat and pulled out her exo pistol.

This is going to be tough. I thought. 


Haha. So I'm back with a new chapter.

Sorry I didn't update in a while. I was busy.

But I made it up to you with this brand new chapter!!

See you next chapter!!!!!!!!

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