Chapter 16

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I glanced around the table as we were all eating.

"So Y/n, you still think my cooking is awful?" I asked her as she took a sip of soup.

"Yeah." Y/n said without hesitation while still scarfing down the food I made.

"Uh-huh." I said raising my eyebrow at her.

I glanced between Jeongyeon and Jihyo and saw that they were both slightly tense.

Hmmmmm..... I thought before looking at Tzuyu and Chaeyoung.

Tzuyu was sneaking glances at Y/n's arm with a worried expression while Chaeyoung looked at Y/n every once in a while but was mostly relaxed.

This is an awkward situation to be in. But at least everyone is quiet for once. I thought as I ate.

"Hey......want to check out the market tomorrow?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked.

"The market? Why?" I asked her taking another sip of my soup.

"Well, we have our sugar mommy over there." She said pointing at Jihyo.

"Excuse me?" Jihyo said with an indignant look. "Says who? Pay for your own stuff."

"Come ooonnnnn Jihyo." Y/n whined. "I even broke an arm for you."

"That was completely on you. It didn't benefit me at all." Jihyo said.

"But just this once please!" Chaeyoung begged. "We're never really got the chance to shop for anything."

"Why are you all begging me to buy things for you all of a sudden?" She asked them.

"Well, better than doing nothing all day considering that with our house gone we can't really work." I said.

Jihyo sighed.

"Fine. But don't go crazy or else I'm never doing this again." She said.

"Thank you!" We all said.

Jihyo rolled her eyes before standing up and putting her empty plate on the countertop.

"Just don't bother me too much today then. I'm going to get some rest. I advise the rest of you to do the same." She said and walked away.

"Did you hear that Tzuyu?" Y/n asked her excitedly. "I can finally get some new clothes."

"Yeah. And I can get new parts for the Buggy." Chaeyoung said with a huge smile.

"Exactly what I was thinking of." Jeongyeon said and high-fived Chaeyoung.

"Well, I'll finally be away from you guys at least." I said smirking.

"Wha-you don't like us?" Y/n said with a pout.

"Not with that disgusting pout." I said before dashing away.

"Get back here Ran!!" I heard her shout.

I smirked and ran away.

Tzuyu POV

"That little fried butter." Y/n said fuming.

"Why is she fried butter?" I asked with a small smile.

"Because I despise fried butter." She answered still fuming.

"Eh. I would call her taco ice cream. Have you seen that abomination? Much less taste it." Chaeyoung said shaking her head in disgust.

"Don't worry, jagi. I love your pout." Jeongyeon said leaning on her arm while staring at Y/n.

"Really? Thanks. At least one person appreciates me." Y/n said crossing her arms (somehow).

"Y/n, watch your arm." I scolded her.

She huffed and moved her arm.

"Fine, mom." Y/n said and went back to eating.

"Well, I'm beat and I'm going to rest in an actual bed tonight for the first time." Chaeyoung said standing up.

"Oh yeah Y/n. Are you feeling okay?" She asked Y/n.

"Yep. Just some slight bouts of pain here and there. Nothing serious." Y/n answered.

"Good. Just checking." Chaeyoung said before putting her plates up and walking away whistling.

I studied Y/n's cast before turning my gaze to Jeongyeon who seemed to have done the same thing I did.

We stared at each other, a silent conversation going on.

'You're hiding something.' I said.

'Now is not the time. Besides, it's not my secret to tell.' Jeongyeon said.

'You're infuriating you know.' I said.

'I get that a lot.' Jeongyeon said.

"Why are you two so silent all of a sudden?" Y/n asked us.

"Oh no reason." I said smiling at her.

"Hmmph. You two definitely had some sort of secret conversation about a secret someone had." Y/n said huffing before scarfing down the rest of her food.

"Okay, I'm done." She said standing up and walking away. 

"Hey, two of us are going to have to share a room!!!" Y/n said pointing at the 5 bedroom doors.

Me and Jeongyeon glanced at each other before standing up quickly and shouting, "I'll share your room with you!!"

"Huh? Uh......why so enthusiastic?" Y/n said with a confused expression. 

(A/n: Wow. Y/n is literally so dense she has no idea they both love her). 

"Well....uhhh...." I said scratching my neck awkwardly.

"Err....." Jeongyeon said looking down at her feet.

"Ummm......well..." Y/n said before Jeongyeon said, "Because I don't snore."

This little- I thought before shouting, "I don't snore, unlike you!!"

"Oh really?" Jeongyeon said in an annoying tone.

"Yes! I'm a better sleeper than you!!! And, in fact, I'm not a pervert." I said.

"Who are you calling a pervert, you turtle!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed.

"Y/n, what do you think?" We both said turning towards Y/n.

Hmmmm? We both thought blinking as it showed that little dotted outline of her like in animes where she was gone.


Yeah. I'm just sleeping with Chaeyoung. I thought as I went into her room and I went into the shower in her room. Those two can fight it out amongst themselves.

After I showered, I grabbed my pack which I had had on me the whole time from where I left it inside the room and put on my nightgown.

I stretched a little before I went into bed with Chaeyoung.

"Sorry Chaeng. Do you mind if I sleep her tonight?" I asked her.

"You ask me that after you already entered and used the shower?" She said in a raspy voice before turning around.

Wait......why is she naked? I thought.



An update!!!!

Okay so I have a little break from all the work I had. So I wrote this little chapter here.

I hope you enjoyed it.

See you next chapter!!!!!

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