Chapter 1

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I brushed the sand off of my goggles as I squinted at the piece of technology in my hands right now.

"I don't think that's operational, jagi." Jeongyeon said casually lounging on a piece of concrete.

"Stop flirting and start working." I said glaring at her even though she couldn't see my face through the goggles and cloth I put over it. "And you know my eyesight isn't as good as yours."

"Alright. I'll work." She said rolling her eyes. "You don't have to be all so uptight all the time you know."

Jeongyeon got to her feet and starting sifting through some sand to search for buried scraps.

"We've been at this for hours. I can't give up now." I said glaring at her again.

"Exactly my point. Take a break like I did just now. Look at it at a new angle." Jeongyeon said holding something up before throwing it away.

I sighed and got to my feet.

I looked around the giant ruined factory we were in.

"Maybe you're right." I muttered.

"I know I am. Just rest over there jagi." She said pointing at the concrete she had been on some moments ago.

I trudged my feet over to there and sat down.

I don't know exactly why Jeongyeon always refers to me that way. Ever since I rescued her a long time ago when I found her lost and stumbling about in the desert, she always calls me that. I don't think I've ever heard her say my name since the first time we met. I don't really mind though, I suppose it's her way of being friendly. 

Strange. She's not like that with the others though. I thought as I glanced at her.

I also noticed a few things about her. Jeongyeon is a bit different from the others. Her way of speaking and mannerisms are professional and very soldierly like when we found her. She eventually started to be kind of like us but she still has that serious tone sometimes in her voice. 

And well, she's strong. Stronger than all of us somehow. I thought as she hefted a large piece of technology with one arm. 

"What do you think of this, jagi?" She asked holding it up for me. 

"Hmmm.....looks good enough. Let's take it back to base and call it a day." I said and she nodded.

We dragged it onto our sled and we began the trek back to base. 

"Hey jagi." Jeongyeon said.

I hummed in response. 

"There was this place nearby. I think it was a hidden entrance or something to a place. Should we check it out?" She asked.

"Hmmmmm....." I said as I thought about it.

"No. It's getting late and we won't be able to make it back in time." I said and Jeongyeon nodded. 

"Okay. Let's go back then." She said and we kept dragging the sled behind us as we walked over the sand. 

After a while, we made it back to base and we dragged the sled into the garage. 

Chaeyoung was there working on the "Buggy". 

It was an old jeep or whatever vehicle it is. We found it a while back and it has become Jeongyeon's and Chaeyoung's goal to get it working again. 

"Hey guys." Chaeyoung said winking at us. 

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, little cub." Jeongyeon said and winked at her. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled off my goggled and the clothe covering my face. 

"Flirt." I muttered and walked inside the base. 

"Aww. Are you jealous?" Jeongyeon asked and back-hugged me. 

"Go cling onto Tzuyu or something." I said as I tried to get out of her grasp. "I have to do something."

"Answer my question first." She said pouting. 

"No. I'm not jealous." I said and attempted to walk forward dragging Jeongyeon.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To my room." I said and yelped when Jeongyeon suddenly lifted me and slung me over her shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" I demanded.

"I'm going to throw you to your room." Jeongyeon said flatly but with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"You wouldn't dare." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Oh I would." She said narrowing her eyes back at me.

We stared at each other for a while before we heard a cough.

"What are you two doing?" Tzuyu asked walking down the stairs. 

"Jeongyeon is being insufferable again." I said and crossed my arms.

"Y/n is being a tsundere again." Jeongyeon said.

I smacked her shoulder. 

"Oww." She said in a mocking tone. 

Tzuyu sighed and said, "I'll carry her there. Chaeyoung said she needed your help for something."

"Oh? I'll be right there then." Jeongyeon said and handed me to Tzuyu who carried me bridal style.

She then walked towards the garage.

Tzuyu sighed again.

"You're heavy. Which is strange considering you don't eat that much." Tzuyu said to me as she carried me to my room with a grunt.

"Hey! You can just let me walk you know!" I exclaimed before Tzuyu deposited me onto the floor.  

"You don't have to tell me twice." She said.

"Urgh. At least let me down gently." I said rubbing my butt. "By the way, we just came from the garage and Chaeyoung didn't say anything to what do you mean that Chaeyoung said she needed Jeongyeon's help?"

"That's the point." Tzuyu said and hoisted me onto my feet. "You can walk, right? Then go."

"What a nice friend you are." I grumbled.

Tzuyu paused a little when I said that before walking a little faster up the stairs. 

I frowned a little and shrugged before walking to my room.


Twice members so far:


Likes Y/n? Slightly


Likes Y/n? Not yet. Only sees her as a close friend.


Likes Y/n? Yes


So how is it so far?

And sorry Ran. I kind of forgot to include you this chapter but you will appear next chapter!!

See you next chapter!!!!

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