Chapter 2

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I trudged my way into my room and saw Ran lying on her bed.

Ran was my oldest friend. And I mean oldest, as she about 25 years old. Also, she was the one who rescued me from being forced to work in a brothel or mine. Ran found me running from some men and pretty much carried me all the way back to her place. We became fast friends after that and we even share a room together here.

"Hey Ran." I said and collapsed on top of my bed.

"Hey." She said looking at a Rubik's Cube. 

"Are you still trying to solve that? It's been over 7 months." I groaned and buried my face into my tough pillow.

"I'll get it one day." Ran said twisting it again. "Besides. Better than having to look at your ugly face everyday."

"You're just saying that because you like me and you just don't want to admit it." I said and looked at her.

"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ran said still trying to solve the cube. "I do know someone like that though."

"Someone who likes me?" I asked frowning.

Ran glanced up at me and gave me a look.

"You really are oblivious, you virgin." She said and went back to solving her cube.

"How do you know I'm a virgin?" I asked pouting.

"Because you are." Ran said. "A virgin can always tell when a fellow virgin loses their v-card."

"You make no sense but whatever. I'm too tired right now." I said pulled my ragged blanket over me.

"Remember. No showers tonight. The water is drying up again." She said. "A shame because you need it."

"I'm going to sleep now!" I exclaimed and turned so my back was facing her.

Ran just hummed in response.

Tzuyu POV

I sighed as I looked down at my makeshift instrument. A cross between a guitar and a harp. 

I had made it a while back and had been practicing on it ever since.

Mostly all love songs though.

For my Y/n. I thought smiling before shaking my head.

"She's not yours though." I muttered to myself. 

I remembered earlier when she referred to me as a friend.

I put my face in my hands and cried a bit.

Why is it so difficult to get someone to notice you? To love you back? I thought and sniffed.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and put my instrument in the case I made for it.

Maybe I just haven't made my feelings clear? I thought. But it would be weird if I suddenly changed in the way I acted towards her. 

"Maybe I should I just wait for the right time...." I muttered and looked around the workshop.

Yes. I'll just wait.... I thought and got back to tinkering.

The Next Morning

I got out of my bed and looked around groggily.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon snored away at their bunkbed on the other side of the room.

Why do I have to be stuck with those two boomboxes? I thought to myself and walked out of the room quickly.

I walked down the stairs to see Y/n wearing only a nightgown that was too short for her attempting to cook something in the fire pit we made.

"Hey Tzuyu. Mind helping me out here?" She asked and as she yawned.

I froze upon seeing the way the nightgown hiked up her legs and exposed almost all of her slightly tanned thighs and the way it clung to her body, making her breasts very visible.

I gulped and looked away.

"That's a new nightgown. But don't you think you should get a new one? It's indecent to show yourself off like that." I said steeling myself.

Y/n glanced down at herself before yawning loudly.

"It's the only clothes I have not covered to the brim in sand. I'd much rather sleep on a grain-free bed than a rough one. Besides, we're all friends here. It doesn't matter how much of my body I show off." She said before stretching making her nightgown go up all the way to show off her black panties and all of her legs.

My face went red and I immediately retreated to the pantry to calm myself down.


What's up with her? I thought as Tzuyu sprinted into the pantry. Is she that hungry?

I looked down at my nightgown and saw the way it clung onto me and showed off my breasts.

I shrugged.

I don't mind showing my practically naked body to them. I thought as I tried to make the stew. We're just friends. Right? 

Besides, I haven't worn this in ages. My grandmother gave it to me and I just kept it locked away in my room. I decided to put it on for the first time after I got annoyed for the last time today at feeling sand on my bed. Apparently, it was a size too small.

I heard loud yawning and Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, and Ran emerged and staggered towards me like they were zombies.

I rolled my eyes. 

I banged my spatula against the pot and it made a loud sound that seemed to get the sleepiness out of their system.

"Wake up people. Just because I'm the only one that knows how to cook around here doesn't mean you lazybones don't have to help." I said in a sharp tone.

"You're so hot with that tone." Jeongyeon said licking her lips.

I glared at her.

"For that comment. You are going to be getting the last serving." I said and Jeongyeon's eyes widened.

"F-Forgive me." She stammered. "I'm just too sleepy right now."

I gave her the stink eye.

"I'll let it go this one time." I said and Tzuyu emerged out of the pantry averting her eyes from me.

I raised my eyebrow at her but didn't say anything.

Jeongyeon glanced at Tzuyu then at me then back before her eyes snapped to my chest.

Her jaw dropped and she whispered, "Ooh la la."

Chaeyoung glanced at Jeongyeon with a confused expression before looking at me and noticing my exposed thighs. 

Her heart immediately stopped and she gaped at me before covering her eyes.

My poor eyes!! She thought before peeking through her fingers.


Well well well. This series is coming along far anyway.

As I said before, I have already planned out everything and no how everything goes. 

So no worries. It's just the matter of writing it.

See you next chapter!!!!

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