Chapter forty eight: till we meet again

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"And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust"
-song: To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

      DRACO HAD WENT into the Room of Requirement to find and confront Potter, since when the golden trio came into the Malfoy Manor, Harry had stolen Draco's wand.

      Though the little 'cornering act' didn't go too well. Malfoy made the mistake of taking Goyle and Blaise to the hidden room with him.

      The golden trio, and the Slytherins had gotten into a rather tough situation. They threw curses at each other and Goyle decided to set the bloody room on fire. Harry made the choice to save the group of Slytherins, sending all of them flying out of the Room of Requirement. Fortunately in the mix of this, Harry had found the Lost Diadem and destroyed it. Unfortunately, the Room Of Requirement caused a wall to erupt.

      Draco coughed as he stood up from the ground. His breathing was ragged as he leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees. A smile twitched on his lips as he remembered he had reminded Ophelia to meet him.

      He ran his fingers through his hair as he limped over to the corner of the hallway.

     He waited, and waited, and waited.

     But she didn't come.

     He knotted his eyebrows as he frantically looked around. "Ophelia?" He called out, knowing well she should be here by now. "Woodlock?"

      A sigh left his lips as someone grabbed his wrist.

     He turned his head, though a frown formed on his face "What do you want Nott?"

    Theodore gave him an upsetting face "You need to go to the Great Hall." He muttered. "Now." As Nott was walking through the corridor moments ago, Macy, Lillian, and the Weasley twins were all huddled around a body. As he walked closer he had realized who it was, and immediately told them to take her to the Great Hall, where everyone who was harmed went. "She's not doing well Malfoy."

     Draco looked at him confused "W-What?" He rasped out, catching on to what was happening. "B-But they won't let me go into the Hall without yelling at me-"

     "Draco," Theo warned "Go."


      Draco had never ran faster in his life.

      Shoving and pushing people as he ran down the staircase and into the crowded room.

      He completely ignored all the yells, and stares he got from being in the Great Hall.

     He didn't care. He needed to see Ophelia.

      He stopped in his tracks as he saw Luna, Macy, Lillian, Fred, George, and a few others all crowded around someone. He felt his knees go weak, his lips parted slightly as he felt his heart shatter. He already knew who they were crying over.

      Shoving, squeezing, pushing, past all the people who stood in his way.

"No, no, no..." he muttered under his breath.

He immediately got through the group. Bumping elbows with the Weasleys as he came to the front of them "Is she okay?" he breathed out as his eyes traced to Macy, who was sitting next to Ophelia.

     Woodlocks hair was sprawled out against the beaten up mat. Her body looking almost completely lifeless as she laid flat on her back. Her once ocean blue eyes were dull. Open, but dull. Her body was bruised and cut. She was barely alive.

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