Chapter eleven: reading in a tree

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"Honey, my heart still beats for you"
- song: Still Beating by Mac DeMarco

    OPHELIA SIGHED SOFTLY as she turned the page of her book. The gentle breeze of the September air lightly waved her hair back and forth as she sat on a strong branch of a tree facing the lake. Her back was leaning against the trunk while her legs dangled off to either side of the branch. She shoved up her glasses that had once again fallen to the tip of her nose as her eyes continued to scan the page.

    "Woodlock?" Ophelia's head snapped towards the direction of the voice. "What are you doing up there?" She felt her face become a dark shade of red as she locked eyes with Malfoy.


    "In a tree?" He laughed as he watched her get all nervous around him.

    "Yeah." She muttered "Do you need something?" She cleared her throat as she looked down at the Blond who was standing with his arms crossed and his chin raised due to the fact he was looking up at her.

    He shook his head "No," he chewed on his bottom lip "I don't need anything."

    She nodded and awkwardly looked back down at her book thinking he would walk away.

    He didn't.

    "What are you reading?"

    "A book." She gave him a small smirk and watched as he chuckled.

    "Well no shit. What's it called?" She bit the inside of her cheek.

    "You wouldn't like it." Ophelia mumbled and adjusted her glasses.

    "So it's a muggle book I assume" He tilted his head slightly to the side. She nodded her head, Draco shrugged "Whats the title?" He raised his eyebrows.

    "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Ophelia smiled at the thought of one of her favorite William Shakespeare's books.

    "Sounds stupid." He commented.

    She shook her head "It's not, you just think that because it's by a Muggle author." She glanced down at her book "It's one of my favorites." After a moment, she furrowed her eyebrows "Draco do you know the time?" He glanced down at his shiny watch on his wrist.

    "Two o'clock." He watched as her eyes widen "Why?"

    "Shit." Ophelia ignored his question. She quickly shut her book and jumped down from the tall tree, gracefully landing on her feet "I have to go." She muttered to Malfoy while dusting off her jeans.

    "What where?" He called after as she began walking away.

    "Places." She called back making him roll his eyes at her. He watched as she began to run off to the castle. He could follow her, but he didn't. It was for the best though. She was late for a D.A meeting, if Draco did follow her it wouldn't have gone over to well. Ophelia couldn't even imagine what Draco's reaction would be if he found out about Dumbledore's Army.

    "So Ophelia—," Fred Weasley appeared to her right as she made her way towards the exit of the Room of Requirement.

    "—What's going on with you and Malfoy?" George said from her left.

    "Nothing." She gave off her award winning fake laugh.

    "Sure doesn't seem like nothing. We've seen the way you two look at each other." Ophelias eyes widen at Fred's comment.

    "Nothings going on between Draco and I." She shook her head. "We're not even friends."

    "Our only advice is don't let Harry see. You don't want him to not trust you just because you're hanging around Malfoy." George patted her on the back before the twins walked away.

    'What did they mean by the way we look at each other?' Ophelia thought to herself. She knew that she probably looked at Draco in a certain way, it would make sense she does have a crush on him. But why would Malfoy look at her a certain way, if he doesn't like her? 'Maybe he does like me' Ophelia shook that thought out of her head, he wouldn't like her back.

    He just wouldn't.

Sorry for the short chapter, any feedback?
Also if i wrote a tom riddle fan fic would you guys read it or should i not write one lol

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