Chapter thirty three: trust

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"And I would like you
To love me, to love me, to love me"
-song: The Wisp Sings by Winter Aid

     "GIVE EVERY MAN THY EAR BUT FEW THY VOICE," Ophelia read aloud from her Hamlet copy. She huffed out a sigh "That's one of my favorite quotes from this part." She said talking to Draco, who was lying on the ground with his head resting on her lap.

"Why?" His voice rasped out as he stared up at her, the book was blocking her face.

She moved the book so she could look at him. "I don't really know," she shrugged "I feel like it kinda means to make sure you're listening to everything everyone says," she knotted her brows "But to not speak to much yourself," she chewed on her lip "Because it's important to be a good listener, but it's okay to keep things to yourself sometimes." she pushed up her glasses "Not sure if that made sense." she laughed lightly.

Draco brought his hand up to his eyebrows to block the sun out of his eyes "I like the way you think." he murmured.

She bit her cheek, trying to contain her smile. She closed the book and placed it on the ground next to them. She leaned her head back on the tree trunk her back was pressed against. She laced her fingers in Draco's blond locks. She lighty hummed Heart Of Glass under her breath as she played with his hair. Malfoy gently closed his eyes and a soft sigh escaped his lips. He felt relaxed. His mind was in the present and not thinking about the horrific task the Dark Lord was forcing him to do.

"I need to teach you how to skateboard." she thought out loud.

"Why would you do that?" he lazily opened his eyes.

"Because it would be fun," she grinned "If you ever come to my house, I can teach you on mine," she chuckled "Though I think I need a new one because mine is all scuffed up and shit," she said "I've had it since I was 10."

"I have no energy to learn such a childish muggle activity." He told her with a sight smirk.

"Tu n'es pas marrant." she pouted "I don't like it when you talk poorly about Muggles."

"Whatever." he uttered while sighing. "Are you cold?" he asked while he noticed goosebumps printed on her bare arms and legs. Her sleeves on her white button up shirt were lazily pushed up to her forearms, while she had on her uniform skirt, which wasn't giving much warmth either.

"A bit." She gnawed on her lip. It seemed the once warm fall October air had gone bitter and cool more recently. Draco sat up from laying and took off his uniform robe "Oh you don't have to do that." she said as he handed it to her.

He shook his head "You should have brought your robe out here," he ignored her comment "Go on then take it," he said with a laugh "I don't want you to catch a cold."

She sighed and took it and wrapped it around herself. She had forgotten her hufflepuff robe in her dorm when she had gone to grab Hamlet from her room after classes. "Well now you're gonna be cold." she said while noticing he was just his white button up long sleeve shirt with his Slytherin tie and black dress pants.

"Don't worry about me love," he moved so he was sitting next to her. He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips, pressing a light kiss on her knuckles. "How have you been doing in your classes?" he asked. It was no secret to Draco that Ophelia wasn't the smartest girl out there, he also knew she wasn't very confident when it came to academics.

She shrugged and laid her head on his shoulder "Alright I guess."

"How's Astronomy going?"

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