Chapter forty three: too soon

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"Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone
Hello, welcome home"
-song: Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid

      IT WAS ALL happening too soon.

      One minute everything was fine. People were dancing and smiling. But then the next minute people were screaming and panicking as the Death Eaters invaded the wedding.

      Ophelia got separated from the twins as she ducked out of the way of a spell firing. Her breathing was hard and her body felt like it was shaking.

      She desperately looked around the area, hoping to find someone she could go with. Someone that could help her.

       But she had no one.

      Because her father didn't come to event. Fred and George were no where to be seen. Luna had just left with her father. She had just watched the golden trio apparate to who knows where.

       Ophelia was alone.

      Sure, she could go to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, but she didn't know them well enough. Or maybe Tonks, yeah 'she's nice' Ophelia thought.

      She pulled herself out of her long thoughts as she began to push pass people, trying to get to Nymphadora.

       Though a yelp flew out of her as a hand pulled her back.

        Her vision went crazy as she felt her body began to twist.

       Then everything went black.

       Ophelia felt like she was being pulled in all different directions. Her heart was practically beating in her ears.

        She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing would come out.

         Then it stopped.

      Ophelia's ears rang as she tried to catch her breath. Her head shot to all different directions as she tried to figure out where she was.

      She was in a dark, large room. People she didn't recognize filled the area. Though as she turned her head to the side, she saw someone oddly familiar, Grarrick Ollivander.

      The man who sold a wand years ago to her.  But he looked different. Old, hurt, depressed. He was being held by someone in a dark cloak...'wait'

      A cold hand pushed itself on the back of her neck. Her breath hitched at the rough feeling.

      Her eyes widen at the extremely loud crackle of a laugh.

      "She's even more pretty then you described, Draco."

        Bellatrix came into her view, walking a little too close to her.

        Ophelia's felt her heartbeat out of her chest. She tried to look around the room, but whoever was holding her stop that from happening.

        She flicked her eyes to her side view. All she saw was a flash of blond. That's all she needed. She knew where she was.

        "Take Oliverander back to the dungeons, leave Woodlock." Lestrange waved off the guy holding the old man before turning her attention back to Ophelia.

       "W-Why am I here?" She tried to sound brave. Like she wasn't terrified or weak. The mans hand pushed harder into her neck.

        Bellatrix gave her a wicked grin "Your friends with Potter, aren't you?"

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