Chapter six: sneaking around

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"This time I'm ready to run
Wherever you are is the place I belong"
- song: Ready to Run by One Direction

OPHELIA COULD BARELY WAIT for her classes to be over. Today was the first day of the Dumbledore's army as known as DA. The group was to meet after their classes were over. Neville Longbottom found a perfect place to practice, the Room of Requirement they just had to get there without anyone knowing.

Ophelia anxiously tapped her fingers on the wooden desk that she shared with Draco during Astronomy.

There Astronomy class changes time depending on the day. Today they had it at 3:00 since it was a Thursday. The class switches every other day from 3:00 pm or 11:00 pm.

"What's your deal?" Draco asked a little too harshly. She felt her face get red and immediately stopped tapping her fingers.

"N-Nothing." She looked down. Ever since Ophelia realized she liked Malfoy its been awkward. She can't talk let alone look at him without her face heating up and her heart racing. She doesn't understand how her crush came on so fast, and she's still is trying to deny the fact that she has a crush on him but its not working very well. Draco being the person he is, didn't realize how different her behavior has changed around him since the day at the Library last Sunday.


"Class Dismissed." Their Astronomy Professor told the class. Ophelia sighed and quickly stood up and gathered her stuff. Malfoy looked over at the suspicious girl with his eyebrow's raised.

"Why are you in such a rush?" he asked as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Just anxious to get out of this boring class." She let out a fake laugh.

"Well that's a lie because you love Astronomy." Draco stood in front of her blocking her way to the door. Her face went completely red. "And you're usually one of the last people out of the classroom."

"How do you know I love Astronomy?" She questioned the blonde in front of her with a slight smirk.

He shrugged "I have my ways." He says looking down at her.

"Um I kind of have to go so," she walked past a clearly frustrated Malfoy. "See you later." She called out to him.


Ophelia stood in line behind Fred and George, while Neville Longbottom was about to attempt a spell on some type of statue. She had to stand on her tippy toes and peek behind Fred's back so she could see what was happening. The twins were way tall compared to the 5'6 Hufflepuff.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville yelled causing his wand to fly back, making everyone in line duck there heads. The twins looked at Ophelia and chuckled.

"That could have been bad" she mumbled to them, they nodded their heads.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much, try it like this" Harry says giving advice to Neville "Expelliarmus!" Potter successfully knocked the wand out of the statues hand.


The next days for the DA were hard. They had to constantly sneak around in fear that Filch would catch them.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal." Potter says while walking down a row divided up into two lines each on opposing sides of the large carpet "It's sort of a wizards bread and butter really. So uh, come on then Nigel give me your best shot!" Harry says to a younger boy.

They stood on opposite sides and Nigel pointed his wand at Harry

"Stupefy!" He yelled causing harry to get thrown back.


"Come on Ron!" Boys started to cheer as he was about to go up against Hermione.

Ophelia stood next to another Hufflepuff boy and the Weasley twins. She listened as the twins began making bets about who was going to win.

Hermione and Ron stood head to head as the both began to raise there wands.

"Stupefy!" Hermione called out making Ron go flying back.

Once Ron got up he walked to the twins and Ophelia.

"I let her do that." He stated, the twins looked at him with disbelief "I did. Right Ophelia? It's good manners." She nodded to him.

"I believe you Ron." He smiled and turned away. Ophelia looked at the twins and shook her head no, knowing that she knew that Hermione was going to win, the twins laughed.


Ophelia looked up at the new frame that Flinch was hanging up on the 'Rule' wall.

"So we have to been questioned by Umbridge?"
She says to Luna who was standing next to her

"Hm, I guess so." The Ravenclaw replied back.


Ophelia didn't get questioned too hard from Professor Umbridge, she can be a decent lair when she wants to be, especially when it came to teachers.

She knew that sneaking around would be harder than normal now. Umbridge decided to form a group called the Inquisitor Squad for extra credit. Ophelia knew that Umbridge only made the group because she was suspicious on what Harry was doing. So this so called 'squad' would be on look out for any activities that were going on that could be going against Umbridge.


Ophelia was making her way to the Room of Requirement for todays lesson when she was stopped.

"Woodlock!" She stopped walking and turned around to come face to face with Draco "Where are you going?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." She said snickered though a light blush came onto her cheeks.

"Yeah actually I would." Draco said crossing his arms. Ophelia's eyes traveled to Malfoys robed where he wore a shiny pin that said 'Inquisitor Squad' on it.

"Oh god Draco," she sighed, he looked at her with raised eyebrows "You're one of them?" Draco was taken back by this not understanding what she meant, so Ophelia pointed to the pin. He just smirked.

"Yep." He said popping the P at the end "So you have to tell me where you're going or I'll have to turn you in." Malfoy wasn't actually going to get Ophelia in trouble, he didn't want Umbridge to punish her but it still was a good threat to use.

"Um," Ophelia was trying to think of an excuse, until it came to her. "Oh Luna there you are!" She said making Draco turn around to see the Ravenclaw walking down the hallway "I was meeting Luna that's why I came up here." She smiled up to the Slytherin who had a suspicious look on his face. "Oh, we'll be going now." She stated walking past Draco and going to Luna "Bye Malfoy."

"Thank god," she whispered "That could have gone bad."

The dash marks (-) mean time skips just to let y'all know also sry my writing is rlly bad lmao

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