Chapter thirty: sorry

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song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears

THE SOUND OF music filled Ophelia's ears as her Walkman hugged around her head. She shoved her hands into her jean pockets as she kicked a rock with her shoes. She walked the path along the lake as she hummed.

"Welcome to your life there's no turning back
Even while we sleep we will find
You acting on your best behavior
Turn your back on mother nature
Ev'rybody wants to rule the world"

      Her teeth bit on her bottom lip as she gently closed her eyes, taking in the gentle breeze. She hadn't talked to Draco sense what happened in the hallway earlier. Sure they had Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts together, but she purposely ignored him, still embarrassed about what he said about her.

     She released her lip -as it was starting to get sore from her constant habit- she stared down at her muddy converse.

      Her mind was all over the place, that is until felt her headphones being taking off her head. "The hell?" she turned around and frowned as Draco placed them on his head.

"help me make the most
Of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world"

She watched as he listened to the song. He took the Walkman off and handed the headphones to her. She wasn't in the best mood to talk to him, though as she was about to place them on her head again, he reached for her arm and stopped her.

"You're mad." he observed her as she reached into her back pocket as unclipped the cassette and pushed pause on tape, making the muffled nose stop.

"No," she sighed "I'm not," she looked up at him "I'm just annoyed."

"Why?" he asked while shoving his hands into his pocket.

She inhaled and debated whether or not to say what she was thinking. She sucked her teeth and shrugged "I care about you Draco," she said, her voice laced with a mix of concern and annoyance "And when I ask you if you are okay over and over again, it's because I'm worried," she sighed "And I'm sorry if it comes across clingy or some shit, but it's the truth." she glanced down at her the Walkman in her hands as she spoke  "I don't like how you've been lashing out at me for no fucking reason." her tone was starting to sound angry. "I shouldn't have to apologize for asking how you are, but that's exactly what I've been doing every single time and I'm tired of it." She huffed as she finally looked up at him.

Malfoy stayed silent for a moment, not sure how to respond. He knew he wasn't treating the way he should be, he's just been stressed, and it's only the second week of school. He cleared his throat "I shouldn't be lashing out at you," his voice was low "And I," he wanted to cringe at what he said next "I-I'm sorry." He said it so quietly she almost didn't hear it. It made him feel disgusted that he just said that.

"It's okay," she mumbled, though it really wasn't okay.

"Are we good now?" he asked, the corners of his mouth turning slightly upwards.

She scrunched her nose and didn't say anything.

"Oh come on Woodlock," His voice had a slightly joking tone to it.

She nodded "Yeah I guess." she knew he wasn't actually sorry, he just said it because it's what she wanted to hear.

Draco smirked and reached out his arms forward, twisting his fingers around her side belt loops on her baggy jeans, pulling her forward. She let out a surprised yelp. Her small hands -which were still holding onto her Walkman- pressed against his chest. "You're a horrible liar." he said, his fingers still holding onto the loops. "You're still upset with me." He looked down at her and a smile twitched on her lips.

She lightly pushed his chest and he let go of her. "I am," she said truthfully "But I won't be soon," she sighed through her nose "Because that's what I do, forgive and forget." She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and shook her head "je dois arrêter de m'excuser" she mumbled under her breath. Draco chuckled at the phrase.

"Come here," he muttered as he wrapped his arms around her. She sighed and leaned into him. "You're too good for me, you know that?" he asked as his chin rested on top of her head.

"Don't say that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not true."

He didn't say anything, he just sighed and hugged her tighter.

She clenched her jaw as Draco held onto her. She was still pissed off and hated herself for it.


lmao not me making a Spotify playlist of songs i feel like Ophelia would listen to on a daily basis-


French Line:

I need to stop apologizing (je dois arrêter de m'excuser)

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