Chapter fourteen: thoughts

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"So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you"
-song: Ghost Of You by 5 Seconds of Summer

"STUPEFY!" Woodlock yelled while pointing her wand at Hermione, who went flying back into the empty space behind her.

"Brilliant Ophelia!" Harry smiled at her while giving her a nod. He knew she was struggling with getting the spells right, her mind always seemed to be in a different place.

"Nice job, you finally casted it correctly." Granger said standing up, brushing out her skirt.

Ophelia scratched the back of her head "Did it hurt? Because I'm sorry-"

"No it didn't," Hermione told her with a slight chuckle "You need to not apologize so much, and beside the whole point of practicing this is to get better at the spells, not saying sorry every 5 minutes." The Gryffindor breathed out a sigh before walking over to Ron.

Ophelia bit her cheek "Right," she muttered. She could always count on Granger to tell her the truth.

"You're doing a really nice job Ophelia," Potter said walking over to the Hufflepuff "But I think you need to focus more. We will be working on the Patronus charm in about a month or two, and for that you'll need to be extremely focused. But I don't have any doubt that you won't be able to perform it."

She nodded at him. "Yeah sorry I just get distracted so easily. I'll try harder."

Harry smiled at her before his attention was taken away and he walked over to Ron and Hermione.

Nights like these were the worst. The constant turning back and forth, trying to get comfortable. Her mind was all over the place. One minute she would think about Dumbledore's Army, the next it would be wondering about Draco.

Then a thought struck her. One that hasn't been on her mind as much. Her mother.

Ophelia's heart ached at thought. If her mother hadn't died that one awful night, her family life would be different. Her father wouldn't be a depressed, lonely, workaholic old man, and her sister and her would probably get along fine. Ophelia's mum was the glue to the Woodlock family, and when she left it fell apart in an istant.

Ophelia's eyes opened, she knew she probably wasn't going to get much sleep. Especially with her family on her mind.

She let out a shaky sigh and rubbed her temple for a short moment.

She didn't like thinking about what went on in the Woodlock household.

Her Mother was a muggle born witch, a brilliant one too, she never cared if she was called a MudBlood, or if she was compared to a PureBlood. She was different, much like Ophelia. Her mum would show both Ophelia and her sister things in muggle world and gave the best gifts. She also didn't care that their family were often called blood traitors since Ophelia's father is a PureBlood.

They were all so happy before she left.

Her father now drowned himself in his work at the ministry, never paying attention to Ophelia, never taking the time to write her a letter to let her know how he was doing or what was going on. In fact she didn't even go home for the winter holiday. She stayed at Hogwarts.

Alexandra, her sister was 21 years old. She lived with her boyfriend -who Ophelia never liked- in some small city in England. The sisters never saw each other unless they had too. Though Alexandra would sometimes write to the younger Woodlock, just to make sure she was doing ok. Those were the only letters that Ophelia seemed to receive and they always gave her a little hope. Like everything was going to be alright. Like she was going to be alright.

"This class is going to be the death of me." Woodlock said dramatically as she fell down into her seat.

"Honestly if I have to hear this pink toad talk one more time I'll go crazy." Macy complained while taking her seat next to Ophelia.

"Hey four eyes." She looked to her right to see Draco, taking his seat at the table next to the girls.

"Malfoy." She greeted while her face got red.

"Everyone open your Textbooks to page 282 and begin reading. No talking" Umbridge told the class. Ophelia rolled her eyes as she flipped through her book.

There was no doubt that Harry was 100 times better at teaching then Umbridge.

Ophelia moved her glasses up her nose and began "reading" the page of the textbook. Though none of the information was going through her head. It never does.

Woodlock felt eyes staring into the side of her head. She looked at Parkinson and Malfoys desk to see Draco staring right at her. Instead of looking away like he usually does when she finds him staring, he gave her a small smirk.

Butterflies flew around in her stomach as she made eye contact with the blond.

He watched as she blushed and it made his heartbeat increase.

He wanted her. And a Malfoy always gets want they want.

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