Chapter fifteen: butterfly

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"And I knew that you turn it on for everyone you met
But I don't regret
Falling for you
Fool's gold"
-song: Fools Gold by One Direction


They were flying around in Ophelia's stomach like crazy.

She gulped, trying to ignore the intense feeling. He was walking towards her. She could see him out of the corner of her eye.

The blond pushed passed the people in the courtyard as he tried to reach the brunette. She didn't know why he had taken a sudden interest in her but she wasn't one to complain, especially about this.

"Hey Woodlock," Draco said finally coming next to the girl. "You forgot your book in astronomy yesterday." He told her while taking her copy of Hamlet out of his bag.

"O-Oh, thanks" She took the book from his hand.

"I don't think I've heard of that," He said motioning to the book "Is it a muggle author?" He was trying to make conversation with her.

She nodded "Yeah," she smiled "It's really good," she chuckled, remembering when her mother first showed her the book. "there is a character named Ophelia in it, I'm convinced that my mother named me after her but she would always deny it. Though she used to love this book." Woodlock didn't even realize that she had said that out loud. She didn't like talking about her mum to people she wasn't close with.

"Interesting," Draco said looking at Ophelia as she glanced at the book. He had seen her read this book practically a thousand times before, obviously it gave her some type of nostalgic feeling.

"Why didn't you give it to me when you saw me earlier?" She questioned him it was the end of the day. They had already seen each other a few times throughout the past hours and he had seen her after Astronomy last night in the hallway as well.

"Oh," Draco tried to come up with a lie "I just forgot." She nodded, Malfoy let out a breath. The truth was that he didn't give it to her because he wanted to look through the book.

"Why were you late to Charms today? You're never late to classes usually."

'Because I was to caught up reading your book' he thought to himself "I over slept."

She nodded once more. "Well I have to get going, thanks for returning this!" She called out to the Slytherin.

He watched her walked away. Her hair was lightly swaying back and forth, her black bow tied neatly in the back. He noticed that after he had told her that he liked her hair that way, she started to wear it like that more often.

Draco cursed under his breath. He wanted to spend more time with her. He let out an angry sigh and shook his head.

'Fuck it' he thought to himself

"Ophelia!" He yelled after her. She turned around and looked at him with raised eyebrows.


Malfoy jogged closer to Woodlock "I uh," his heart was beating out of his chest "I uh was just maybe wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out or something?"

Ophelia's face turned into a dark shade of red "Um" her eyes were wide, she didn't know what to say "Y-Yeah, sure"


"How far till we get there?" Malfoy questioned the brunette as they walked side by side into the forest.

"Not far," she glanced over to the blond and bit her cheek trying to hide her smile. Draco looked back at her, she then turned her attention to the open space in front of her. He furrowed his eyes brows together as he watched her face light up. He followed her eyes to see nothing but a bunch of trees and dirt.

"What are you looking at?"

"thestrals," she scrunched her nose as she remembered that Draco couldn't see them "I think I've told you about them before."

"I remember," Malfoy kept his gaze on the girl beside him "You can see them because you've seen someone die, right?" She nodded her head.

Ever since she had seen Luna with them, Ophelia had visited the creatures every so often.

"What do they look like?"

"Well they are rather large, um and they don't have any fur, they also have wings," Draco watched as she took a step forward, he debated whether or not he should follow "They are a dark purple like color," She paused and turned around to face Malfoy "Would you like to pet one?"

"What?" He said with a slight chuckle of disbelief.

"Come on," she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the thestral that was in front of them. They both tried to ignore the electric shock that went through both of their arms as their hands touched. "Here," she mumbled as she raised his hand and placed it on the thestrals back, yet to Draco it just looked like thin air.

Malfoy grinned, he could feel the cool skin of the creature under his hand "I can feel it."

She smiled at him "Unique creatures don't you think?" He nodded and looked at her.

Theirs eyes locked and Ophelia felt the butterflies come back. She also watched as Draco's face had a light blush.

He cleared his throat "Uh we should probably head back, curfew is soon."

She nodded in agreement and let go of his hand.

Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! I'm sorry I'm not the best writer but I hope you guys continue to read and enjoy the story!

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