Chapter nineteen: the hard truth

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song: Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles

DRACO WAS SAT ON the ground with his back against a tall tree. Ophelia was sitting to his right, with her legs crisscrossed as she picked at the dried grass. Her Walkman headphones were resting on her shoulders, waiting to be played.

Neither of the two had discussed the event that happened yesterday, clearly nervous too.

So instead they held a comfortable silence in the air, while they sat side by side. The air was cold, and Woodlock wore Malfoys Slytherin sweater that he had given her earlier that day to keep warm.

Draco's eyes scanned over the book in his hand as Ophelia placed the headphones on her ears. She pressed the button on the side of the cassette tape, and the song began to play.

"Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right"

Draco looked up at the sound of muffled singing. He watched as Ophelia hummed the words with a slight grin. She continued to look at the grass, which she was still picking at.

Malfoy smirk and unexpectedly reached over and grabbed the Walkman from her head. She looked over with an annoyed expression, yet it faded as she watched Draco place them on his head.

"Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, do, dun, do, do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right"

He chuckled at the words and took off the headphones, handing them back to her. "Who's it by?"

She clicked the pause button making the mumbled noise of the singing stop. "The Beatles."

He nodded his head, assuming it was a muggle band. "You have an interesting taste in music."

"Better then yours."

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes "How would you know? You don't know my type of music."

She laughed "I don't need to know, I can just tell," she placed her Walkman back into her bag "And besides Muggle music is the best."

"vous vous trompez" Malfoy muttered, making Ophelia raise her eyebrows at him.

"I'm impressed, you're getting better."

He gave her a proud smirk and shrugged his shoulders "What can I say I'm a quick learner." He told her with a wink, making her playfully roll her eyes at him. She looked back down at the dead grass, picking away at the light, almost yellowing looking ground.

Draco breathed in through his nose as he continued to watch the Hufflepuff. He couldn't wrap his head around what he had done yesterday. Their feelings for each other were now out in the open. He knew he could never tell his parents about his feelings for the Halfblood. Ophelia's family was known around the wizardry world to Purebloods, they were known as blood traitors. He can't imagine what his Father would say if he found out about his actions.

Malfoy returned his attention to his book. Ophelia chewed on her bottom lip as she glanced up at him.

Woodlock also had her doubts about what had happened yesterday, yes she was extremely excited and still is, but she didn't know how Harry or even Ron or Hermione would feel about it. 'Would I get kicked out of D.A?' She thought to herself. She had worked to hard to get kicked just because she had a thing for Draco. She had only told Macy and Lillian about the kiss, but they are her best friends so it make sense. She hoped that they wouldn't go and tell people about it without her permission first. She knew Harry just would not trust her if she and Malfoy were dating.

But right now Ophelia didn't even know what they were, so she didn't need to be too worried about that.

"You're thinking," Malfoy mumbled as he continued to looked at the words on the page.

"I am." She replied back, still looking at him.

"And what exactly are you thinking about?" He marked the page he was on and closed the book. He watched as her face beamed with red.

"You." She muttered slightly embarrassed. Draco smirked and set his book on the grass beside him.

"Am I that Irresistible?"

She chewed on her lip and nudge his shoulder "Oh shush." Her blushed deepened as Draco laughed at her awkwardness. "Draco," she paused and knotted her eyebrows together in thought "What exactly are we?"

Malfoy sighed and leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree "I'm not sure," He looked up at the sky "I know that I like you," he looked over in her direction "But I don't think I want to be in a relationship right now."

Ophelia looked back down at the grass, trying to hide her frown. Draco clenched his jaw, wanting to take it back. He wanted her, he knew that, he just didn't know if right now would be the best time.

He did like her enough to date, but he really didn't want to disappoint his father. "I shouldn't have said it like that." He confessed as he watched her suddenly get uncomfortable with the situation "It's just, I don't know what my parents would say,"

"Why would they have to know?" Ophelia anxiously fidgeted with her fingers "I mean I understand where you're coming from, and" she paused cringing at her sudden thought "And if you're just making up an excuse because you don't want to date me, I'd rather you just say that then-"

"Woah hold on," he interrupted while sitting up straight "If I didn't want to date you I wouldn't have kissed you, and I wouldn't be sitting next to you right now," he shook his head "I can't believe you would even think that-" he suddenly paused as he saw Ophelia shift uncomfortably. "Look, I just think we should just wait a while before we make anything official."

She nodded in agreement, before she scolded at her self for having such a foolish thought. It was no secret to Ophelia that she had some type of trust issues, she just didn't want Draco to realize this. She also didn't like the fact that she just assumed that since they confessed how they felt they would immediately start dating. "Yeah it's probably best."

Malfoy bit on his lip and scooted himself closer to Ophelia. Her heart beat increased as he took her hand in his. He interlocked their fingers together and sighed. "vous êtes belle" he murmured softly to her, making her blush.

He knew he had upset her, which he didn't like, but he just didn't really want people to know that, The Draco Malfoy, a PureBlood Slytherin, had a thing with a Hufflepuff halfblood. For now at least, maybe that would change later, but he wasn't so sure.

Which he hated himself for thinking of such an arrogant, and low thought, but that's just who is was.

Thank you for over 1k views! It means a lot!
here are what the French lines say:

-The first one (vous vous trompez) means "You are wrong"

-The second one (vous êtes belle) means "You are beautiful"

also i use google translate for all the French lines so sorry if it's wrong, i just go off of what it says

Thank you for all the comments and reads!! Plz leave any feedback or any ideas in the comments if you have any!!

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