Chapter forty: Nott

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"Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity"
-song: Flicker by Niall Horan

OPHELIA SAT IN the hospital bed with Draco's arm lazily wrapped around her waist. They both knew that if Madam Pomfrey came in and saw them like this she would probably yell, but she wasn't in the room at the moment. In fact they were the only ones.

Draco had been the infirmary for almost a week. He felt fine, but Pomfrey made him stay, saying that he needed to regain all of his strength again.

Ophelia held up her Hamlet copy close to her face as she read aloud. Her voice sounded like honey, and Draco wanted to melt. She laughed lightly as she read the next line of the book "To be, or not to be? That is the question—" she paused and looked over at Draco "That's like one of the most famous parts of the play," she told him with raised eyebrows.

He hummed and leaned his head on her shoulder as she continued reading. His eyelids gently closed, a small smile quirked at his lips as she spoke softly.

A sigh left his lips "Ophelia?" he rasped out, making her stop reading.

"What?" she tilted her head slightly and closed the book.

Draco scrunched his nose "I'm going to have to do it soon," it said referring to his task. "It's becoming too late, I've been putting it off for so long."

Ophelia stayed silent as Malfoy raised his head from her shoulder, looking at her. She licked her dry lips quickly and knotted her brows "Okay," she mumbled softy, not knowing how to respond. She gulped and lightly ran a hand through Draco's blond hair. Her hand came to a stop at his jaw. "Do you think you'll be able too?" she asked while creasing her thumb on his cheek.

"I don't really think I have a choice." He told her "Does it bother you?"

"Does what bother me?"

"Me," he placed his hand over hers "You know, being one of them, and having to hurt people."

She gnawed at her lips, chewing her teeth into them "Honestly?" she looked at him and sighed "A bit, but I know you don't get a choice," she told him "And it's not keeping me from being with you,"

"Well when my family, and the rest of them find out, we'll pr-"

"I don't want to think about that." she interrupted, knowing what he was going to say.

"My mother kinda already has a clue that I'm dating someone," he told her "She just doesn't realize it's you." he murmured.

Ophelia nodded her head, digging her teeth into her bottom lip once again.

Draco scrunched his nose as he watched her "Does that hurt?" he asked while brushing his thumb against her throbbing lip "You bite it like every 5 seconds," he exaggerated.

A light red came onto Ophelia's cheeks. She shrugged "It's a bit sore." she told him honestly "But I'm used to it."

He hummed and leaned forward, closing the tight gap between their bodys. Pressing his soft lips onto her swelling ones. Draco slid his hand under her curly knots, resting it on the back of her neck. Her mouth opened slightly to the feeling of his cold rings pushing into her skin.

Ophelia's delicate hands gently held onto his shoulders as he readjusted himself, pushing her down into the small bed, placing his elbows on both sides of her head so he wouldn't fall on her. She slightly pulled away from his lips "Someone could walk in." she breathed out as his lips brushed down her jaw and onto her neck.

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