Chapter four: fed up

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"I gotta get better, gotta get better"
- song: Meet Me In The Hallway by Harry Styles

    THE PAST WEEK HAD BEEN uneventful for Ophelia. She dreaded going to her classes each day. Although she didn't mind Charms and Astronomy as much as the rest, probably because of a certain blond haired Slytherin who she didn't mind seeing each day. Ever since the day at the lake Ophelia felt weird about Draco not that she had a crush or anything but he just seemed different and she couldn't seem to get that out of her head.

One class that she hated the most was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Ophelia had almost gotten detention twice for speaking out. She absolutely hated Umbridge and was fed up with her teaching, most of the kids were as well.

Ophelia sat in the library once more and was reading a book that her friend from Ravenclaw had given her earlier. She was so captivated about what was happening in the pages in front of her she didn't even realize that a certain Gryffindor sat in the seat across from her. The Gryffindor coughed trying to get her attention.

"Oh," Ophelia said looking up at the person "Hey Hermione."

Hermione and Ophelia weren't exactly friends but they got along fine.

"I have a question for you." Hermione said while straightening out her back.

"Alight," Ophelia closed her book, and folded her hands on top of her lap. "What is it?"

"I think we both can agree that Professor Umbridges teaching is horrible," Ophelia nodded her head in agreement "And I've doing some thinking and Ron and I are assembling a group of students to learn the subject the right way, Harry would be our teacher although he doesn't really know about it yet, would you like to be a part of it?"

Ophelia stayed silent for a moment thinking about the offer.

"Yeah I'll join" she said with a smile on her face. Hermione let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.

"Oh thank you!" Hermione stood up "Don't tell anyone about it though we are keeping it a secret, also we are meeting at Hog's Head tomorrow so make sure your there." She told Ophelia before walking off.

Ophelia made her way out of the library and started to head to the hufflepuff common room.

"Hey Woodlock!" She stoped walking, she knew that voice too well. The Slytherin made his was to Ophelia so they were side by side.

"Yes Draco?" She questioned him her hand clutching her bag strap that was on her shoulder, probably showing too much anger in her expression then needed.

"Woah no need to get angry," He told her putting his hands up in defense "I just wanted to know if wanted to go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow so we can talk about our Astronomy project." he said casually, shoving his hands in his pockets. Ophelia felt her face heat up for some reason. She wanted to go but she remembered the plans with Hermione.

"Um as much as I would love to, I already have plans, but I'm free on Sunday."

Draco sighed "That's alright, uh how about we meet at 12 at the library on Sunday?" He looked over at Ophelia who was fighting back a smile.

"Sure." She knew that Malfoy had only asked this because their Astronomy Professor said they needed to work out side of school to complete their project but she couldn't help but like the idea of them hanging out outside of there classes.

"Ok see you there four eyes." Draco says before walking away from Ophelia to be with his friends.


Ophelia put her jacket on over her dark blue long sleeved shirt. She laced up her Converse and adjusted her jeans before heading out. It was Saturday so she was heading down to Hog's Head. The cold air hitting her face as she walked outside.

Ophelia sat next to Fred and George as they waited for the golden trio to come in. She looked around seeing people from all houses.

After a while of awkward silence when the trio came in, Hermione spoke up.

"Hi, so you all know why you are here we need a teacher, a uh proper teacher. One who has real experience defending themselves against the dark arts."

"Why?" Some ravenclaw kid spoke up.

"Why? Because you know who is back," Ron snapped to the boy. Ophelia watched as the other students in the room became more confident asking questions, making Harry look extremely uncomfortable.

"-where's the proof?" Another boy said asking about the Dark lords return.

"You could tell us more about how Diggory got killed." A hufflepuff boy shouted out, making  Ophelia uncomfortable. Her and Cedric were friends.

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric so if that's why you're here you better clear out now." Harry spoke up. She watched as Potter turned to Hermione and whispered something in her ear about leaving.

"is it true you can produce the Patronus charm?" Lunas dreamy voice asked, making everyone go silent.

"yes, I've seen it" Hermione says speaking for Harry.

"I didn't know you could do that" Dean Thomas said.

        "Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that," Harry told the group "The truth is that most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half of the time, and I nearly always had help."

     "He's just being modest." Granger stated before Potter cut her off.

      "No Hermione I'm not." He said looking at her. He turned his attention to the crowd once more and took a breath "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow, but out there when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes,"

      Ophelia fidgeted with her hands, suddenly realizing how serious and important it is to know this. It's not that she didn't believe Harry from before, it's just now it seems too real. They were just kids.

      "You don't know what that's like." Harry stated as he finished his speech.

        Though Ophelia did know what it was like, well sort of. She watched her mother die right before her eyes, it was traumatizing.


'Ophelia Woodlock' she wrote on a piece of paper, along with many other students names who were joining 'Dumbledore's Army'

for anyone who is confused hogs head is like bar in hogsmeade

lmao my writing kinda sucks and I'm sorry for that-

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