Chapter thirteen: if only you knew

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"only if you knew
How much I liked you"
-song: Heather by Conan Grey

"BLOODY HELL OPHELIA,Ron Weasley said with a slight laugh in his voice "for someone who hates school you do read an awful lot." He examined her book as they sat on a bench in the court yard.

"First of all, I don't hate school, I just strongly dislike it. And second reading can be fun."

"I've seen you carry around this one before," Fred pointed to the book.

"How many times have you read it?" George questioned the girl.

Ophelia shrugged "Only a few," She told them with a slight sigh. Ron handed the book back and she glanced at the cover 'Hamlet'. This and A Midsummer Night's Dream were probably her favorite books. She probably had read them over a hundred times if she was being honest. "I highly recommend it though."

Fred nudged Woodlocks arm "He's staring again," he muttered while nodding his head towards someone.

She looked over and locked eyes with Draco. He quickly looked away "He's probably trying to think of a way to get us in trouble." She joked.

"Or he's jealous that you're over here with us and not with him." Fred raised his eyebrows.

Ophelia shook her head, though a light blush came onto her cheeks. Over the past week she had caught Malfoy looking at her multiple times "I think I'm going to go back to my dorm," She stood up "See you guys later." She called out to the three Weasley siblings.

She held the book to her side with he right arm as her shoes were hitting the dry grass. She bit the inside of her cheek as she passed Draco and his friends.

"Hey," She looked to her left to see Malfoy "Why were you hanging out with the Weasleys?" He asked as he walked next to her.

"I'm friends with them." She glanced at Draco who was raising his eyebrows at her.

He breathed out a "Whatever" before rolling his eyes. "Where are you going?" He looked over at Ophelia, his eyes trailed her from head to toe. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a light yellow cropped sweater. She wore her high top converse that looked as if she had stepped in a mud puddle. Her long curly hair had a black bow pinned in the back to keep the front pieces out of her face, she looked adorable. Draco bit back a smile.

"T-To my dorm." She felt his eyes on her and it made her heartbeat increase.

Draco nodded "I'll uh walk you there."

"Ok," She muttered. It wasn't that Draco was acting weird...but he was acting weird. The past week he had been paying more attention to Ophelia then usual. At first Woodlock ignored it but it was hard. He was staring at her in class and at meals, and he had been finding excuses to talk or be near her.

And she had no clue why.

"I like your hair today by the way." Her eyes widen at his comment.

"Uh thanks?" Her whole face was a dark shade of red "That was random." She chuckled and looked at the tall blond.

He shrugged his shoulders and laughed "No need to be awkward, I was just giving you a compliment."

She raised her eyebrows at him "Wow Draco Malfoy giving a compliment. That's a first."

He rolled his eyes "Shut up." He bit his cheek trying to hide the fact that his face was also a bright red.

"He told you he liked your hair?" Macy asked Ophelia as she sat down on her bed.

Woodlock hummed in response "It was weird."

"No shit, it was weird. Malfoy never does stuff like that." Lillian commented while looking up from her book.

"He must like you." Macy told the brunette.

Ophelia looked down and smiled "I don't know." She mumbled.

As the Hufflepuff closed her eyes that night she kept replaying their conversation today. Her stomach erupted with butterflies just thinking about the possibility of the Draco Malfoy liking her back.

    If only he knew how she felt about him.

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