Chapter twenty seven: miss you

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"We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat"
-song: Two Ghosts by Harry Styles

Dear Malfoy,

I miss you dearly. I hope you are doing okay, (I wouldn't know since you haven't answered my letters for the past 2 weeks...) but it's okay, I get it you're busy.

I'm doing alright. My older sister Alexandra and her boyfriend visited yesterday, it was rather awkward, though they only stayed for dinner. It had been over a year since I last saw Alexandra, so I guess that's why it was weird.

Nothing has changed since the last time I wrote. My father still doesn't talk to me unless he needs to, but it's fine. I don't mind.

It might be too much to ask, but will you just respond telling me how you are doing?

You are on my mind non stop, it's starting to get annoying

Seriously Draco, I miss you so much it hurts (which sounds pathetic but it's true.) I miss your smile and voice. I'm going to Diagon Alley next Monday for new school supplies and by telling you this, I hope you show up. haha

I want you to know that you can tell me anything, I know we both suck at emotions and shit but it's true. You can trust me.

Your favorite Hufflepuff,



Ophelia bit her lip, trying not to smile too hard as she held a letter with four eyes written on the back of the envelope. She had sent her last letter to Draco two days ago. And he wrote back.

She sat down on her bed and ripped the note open. Her heart was pounding. Her smile was wide.


    Dear Woodlock,

I'm fine, don't worry about me too much. Like you said, I'm not good with this type of stuff, but I miss you too.

I'm happy to tell you that my mother and I are making a trip to Diagon Alley on Monday as well. We can find a way to see each other then.

Miss you lots,



Again it was short, but enough to make Ophelia feel better. She placed the letter on her night stand and took a deep breath. She was going to see him on monday. She fidgeted with her necklace. That is 4 days from now. She would be seeing her boyfriend in four days. Her stomach erupted with butterflies just thinking about seeing Draco.

She shook her head and ran her hand through her hair. She was excited, but a part of her was nervous for some reason. She hadn't seen him since late June. It was August now and the new school year would be starting in two weeks.


The August air felt warm against Ophelia's skin as she walked down the street leading to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop -which was owned by Fred and George- her brows knotted as she looked at the stores along the road. They all looked completely destroyed and abandoned. Ophelia knew that the Death Eaters were behind all of it, which made her want to cringe.

She adjusted her jeans for a moment as she looked at the ground. Her hair was blowing lightly in the wind -though the front pieces were held back in her classic black bow- she reached the joke shop and was about to walk in.

"Hey four eyes."

Her heart skipped a beat. She turned around to come face to face with her Slytherin price. A smile formed on her face "Hi." Was all she managed to get out before he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. She instantly returned the hug by placing her arms around his neck.

"I missed you." He mumbled into her shoulder. He pulled away slightly and kissed her, something he had wanted to do for a while.

They pulled away slowly "How are you?" She asked with almost a worried tone.

"I'm better now that you're here,"

She gave him a smile, before scanning her eyes over him. He looked different. He got taller, probably was 6'0 now, his hair was kept neat -unlike last year how he just let it go freely- he was thinner too and looked exhausted, ill almost. "Are you sure you're alright?"

He sighed and let go of her waist "Yes." he shoved his hands in his pocket. "Are you okay?" he asked with raised eyebrows. Sounding like he almost didn't really care and just felt like he needed to ask.

She bit the inside of her cheek and force a small smile "Uh I'm," she crossed her arms "Perfect."

Draco looked at the watch on his wrist "Shit," he mumbled "I have to go, my mother is waiting." he bent over and kissed her once again. "Bye love." he turned around and began to walk away.

"Oh, okay," she called out "See you later!" She frowned, she wanted him to stay longer.

She sighed and chewed on her lip before turning around and going into the Weasley's shop.

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