Chapter sixteen: heart of glass

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song: Heart Of Glass by Miley Cyrus

OPHELIA FELT HER HEART beat with joy as she skipped along the stone wall far from the school. She had her Walkman on and was lost in her own world. She had been keeping the muggle device from Umbridge for weeks now, how she managed to successfully hide it was unknown.

"Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind"

She hummed as the loud music was blasting in her ears.

All of her worries and cares seemed to be out of her in that moment, all of her classes that she seemed to be failing, her family, her friends, the stress of people not liking her, all of it disappeared as she balanced on the 5 foot something tall wall. The only thing that seemed to matter was the beautiful October day and Blondie.

Of course she didn't realize that her Slytherin Prince was observing her from a far, he held on a smirk as he watched her walk back and forth across the wall, while dancing slightly.

He squinted his eyes as he gazed over her outfit, it was a weekend meaning they could wear whatever they pleased, but he had never seen her with an outfit so casual. She was wearing dark blue ripped jeans with a oversized grey t shirt and her white converse. Her curly hair was down and not styled in any certain way. But the thing that confused him the most was the type of headband like thing resting on her ears. He hadn't seen anything like it before. He also had never seen her in such a carefree state before.

"La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light"

She smiled as she remembered her mother dancing around the kitchen singing this song while cooking.

Her mum gave her the Walkman for her 11th birthday, sadly it was the last one she got to celebrate with her.

Draco straighten out his posture as he stood up from leaning on the tree. It wasn't like he was stalking her, he actually was just going on a walk for some fresh air and saw her there.

He began walking towards the dancing girl with a smile on his face.

"The hell are you doing?" He asked while crossing his arms. He watched as she stopped walking and turned around to face him.

Her face went red and she took off the headphones. "What?" Her heartbeat increased.

He chuckled "What is that?"

She smiled and reached her hand to her back pocket and un clipped the cassette tape and gracefully jumped off the wall and stood in front of Malfoy.

He looked at the object in her hands, he could hear a slight mumble sound of a song until she clicked a button and it stopped.

"It's a Walkman." She looked at Draco "Muggle Device." He nodded his head.

"What does it do?"

She took a deep breath "Well it plays music," she anxiously chewed her bottom lip "Here," she placed the earphones on his head and clicked the play button on the cassette holder.

"Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out to be a pain in the ass
Seemed like the real thing only to find
Much o' mistrust, love's gone behind"

It played in his ears, he smiled as he didn't realize she would listen to this type of music.

She lifted it off his ears and clicked the pause button once again.

"Where did you get it?" He questioned her.

"My mother gave it to me for my birthday a few years back."

He hummed in response "You're mother, she was a Mud-" he quickly corrected himself "Muggle Born right?" He prayed that he didn't upset her by almost calling her mum a MudBlood which had become a force of habit now.

She nodded "Yeah" she mumbled. "What are you doing out here?"

"Oh I was just going on a walk." He paused for a moment "Do you come out here often?"

She shrugged "Occasionally," She only came this far away from the castle if she needed space, fresh air, or just to clear out her head. "Though with Umbridge taking over the school, we probably won't be able to step foot out of the school on the weekends." She quickly looked at Draco with wide eyes "You're not going to turn this in right?" She said referring to the object in her hand.

"No I won't."

She let out a breath "Thank you."

He nodded once again, not sure if he should leave or not. "What was that song called?"

She chuckled "Heart Of Glass by a Muggle artist called Blondie."

Draco smirked, he was going to have to remember that.

Ok so the version Ophelia was listening to was the original but I put the Miley Cyrus one for the one to go with the chapter - idk why tho lmao - also I don't rlly know how a Walkman works, I have one but I've never actually used it so sry if it's wrong, also I didn't put a quote from the song at the top of the chapter like i normally do bc it has multiple parts of the song in the chapter itself lol

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