Chapter forty two: don't write

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"You could still be
What you want to
What you said you were
When I met you"
-song: Medicine by Daughter


      OPHELIA DIDN'T ACTUALLY think that Draco was being serious. She thought that it was a joke, that he would show up at breakfast in the Great Hall the next morning. That he would stop her in the halls to hold her hand. Or that he would come into class and sit down the desk behind her and purposely kick the back of her chair. But she was wrong.

      Because he didn't show up the day after Dumbledore's death. In fact he didn't show up even after a week after the horrible task. Or even a month. He didn't come back at all.

      And Ophelia was heartbroken.

       She hadn't heard from him. She didn't know if he was safe. She didn't know is he was okay.

      She gulped as she fidgeted with her fingers that were resting on her lap. She stared out the window, watching the trees and scenery passing by.

      Another year had gone.

     Another school term finished.

     Her 6th year came as quickly as it ended.

     And she was on her way home.


      Ophelia chewed her lip as she sat deep in thought.

       Her hands were laying on her desk as she read over the letter that the Weasleys had sent her.

      A wedding seemed to be silly at a time like this. A war was practically starting at the very moment. A sigh left Ophelia's lips as she reached for a quill. She scrunched her nose as she dipped it in the dark ink.

      She quickly scribbled a check mark in the accept box. She then folded the card, placing it back in the envelope. She stood up, and walked over to her window. Where the owl that had giving her the invitation was sitting.

      "Thank you." She said kindly as she gave the answered letter to the bird. She watched as it flew away.

      Ophelia had never met Bill Weasley. Though she had met his Fiancé, Fleur Delacour, back in year 4. She remembered Ron complaining about the two through out the past year.

       Woodlock knew she probably shouldn't go, but she wanted to. It would get her mind of the blond boy who had been in her thoughts sense she had last saw him, which was about 4 months ago.

      She was surprised that she was even invited. Her boyfriend was a Death Eater. But then again she knew the golden trio trusted her.

      She sat back down at her desk, her back leaning into the chair. She blew out a breath.

      And then she made an impulsive decision.

      She reached for a piece of paper and her quill.


      Dear Draco,

      Please don't get mad at me for writing. I know it's stupid and could put me in serious danger especially with everything that's happening with the Ministry and the war, but I can't stand not talking to you.

      I hope you are doing okay and that you are safe. Please please please be safe. I don't want to lose you. It already hurts enough not know where you are or what you're doing. I can't stand the thought of looking in the paper or listening to the radio and it saying your gone.

      I understand if your not allowed to write back, but if you are, please do. I don't care if you don't want to or if your scared they'll find out where I am. I miss you.

      My life is boring and dreadful without you.

      jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions,



     It was dumb. No not dumb, completely stupid, of her to write. And even more brainless of her to send the bloody thing. She wasn't thinking about what could happen. She didn't know that the Death Eaters were all staying at the Malfoy Manor. She wasn't thinking.

      "Shit." She mumbled as she watched her owl fly away with the letter. "Shit, shit, shit," she repeated as she realized what she had just done.

       But it was too late now.


      Ophelia flatted out her red dress as she sat down at a round table, which she was sharing with unknown people. She forced out small grins and nods as people passed her. She glanced around the large tent. People of all ages dancing and smiling as if everything is fine.

       She can't lie though, during the Wedding ceremony she had forgotten all about the war and the stupid letter she had sent -which she still hadn't gotten a reply back- her hand fidgeted with the gold necklace resting on her collar bone. Her white converses tapping the ground.

      "Hi Ophelia."

      She smiled up at the two red heads "Hey guys," she stood up from the chair "How are you doing?"

      "Not too bad," Fred shoved his hands in his pockets "though Georgie over here lost a ear last week."

       Ophelia's eyes widened "Merlin are you okay?" She asked George as he laughed.

       "It's alright, a bit holy-"

       "—Bloody hell not the holy joke again," Fred rolled his eyes, but Ophelia didn't miss the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

       "We didn't think you would come," George said, looking down at her.

        Ophelia knotted her eyebrows "Why?"

       "Well with everything going on and—," George started, though of course Fred finished for him.

        "—You dating Malfoy,"

      "—We just thought you wouldn't want to come." George said while shrugging.

      She frowned "I haven't talk to Draco since May," she told them "I'm not sure what he's doing or anything." She gulped, scolding at herself for feeling emotional.

      George nudged her shoulder "I really hate the guy, but I'm sure he's okay."

     She chuckled "Yeah." She mumbled while looking around the room. "Hey do you guys-"

      Yells and gasps of fear and worries filled the open area. A light blue orb shot through the tent. People surrounded it as it began to speak. "Ministry has fallen, the minister of magic is dead,"

      Ophelia exchanged glances between Fred and George.

      "They are coming," the light repeated.

     Woodlock's breathing got heavier as she knotted her eyebrows in confusion. The light soon disappeared and people began to panic.

       "I-" she started as she looked at the twins.

       "You need to go Ophelia," Fred told her as he looked around the room. People were leaving by the second.

      "It's not safe here." George said as he began to panic as well.

        A scream left her mouth as the familiar black smoke broke through the tent.

       Death Eaters.

thank you for 100k reads!! You guys are amazing!!!!!!

the dress she wears to the wedding is in the picture above the chapter.

French line:

Till we meet again (jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions)

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