Chapter One: this should be fun

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"You're so golden"
- song: Golden by Harry Styles

      CROWDED HALLWAYS always made Ophelia feel uneasy. Kids of all ages and sizes pushing and shoving one another - on accident and on purpose - trying to find or get to their classes on time. Not to mention all the talking happening all at once, making each conversation bounce and echo off the corridor walls.

      Ophelia and Lillian made their way to the first class of their 5th year year at Hogwarts, Charms. Woodlock's scuffed up white converse dragged on the ground as she tiredly told a joke to Lillian which made her laugh.

As they walked into the old dusty classroom, Ophelia had a familiar anxious feeling in her stomach. Her teeth dug hard into the skin on her bottom lip. Her teeth digging, chewing, picking into her light pink lips. It was something she would do -not even realizing she was doing it- on a daily.

She had noticed that there were mostly Hufflepuffs and Slytherins in the class, only a few Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. The pair took a seat in the back even though they knew that Professor Flitwick normally did assign seating.

    The truth was assign seats could either be the best or the worst thing to happen in a class. You could get paired up with one of your friends, or with a smart Ravenclaw that could do all the group work for you, you could also get paired up with one of the quiet kids who rarely talked. Or you could get paired with a Slytherin, which depending on who it was could be either good or bad.

    Ophelia really didn't mind who she got to sit next to, she just hoped they were nice.

"Alright class settle down while I look at the seating chart," Flitwick spoke to the class. Ophelia waited for her name as he started telling who sits where. "Miss Woodlock, and Mr. Malfoy," she let out a breath she didnt know she was holding in, she had sat next to him last year. Ophelia stood up and walked over to the desk he had pointed to.

    If any other Hufflepuff were to be seated with The Draco Malfoy, they probably would have been terrified.

     "Two years in a row," Malfoy said sitting down in the chair next to her "Think its fate?" She let out a short laugh at his comment, while pushing her glasses up.

"It might be," she jokingly told the blond. Ophelia couldn't help but notice at how much different he looked from the year before. He had grown a few inches, his jawline was sharper as well, his hair was longer and little pieces hung over his forehead in a carefree matter.

"Gotta warn you Woodlock, I'm a Prefect now so don't get into much trouble." Ophelia laughed and shook her head

"Me trouble?" She questioned "I would never." Malfoy held back a chuckle and rolled his eyes as the Professor began to talk again.

A few moments later Draco leaned over to whisper to Ophelia "Still suck at Charms I'm guessing" she continued to look forward.

"If you don't talk to me while Flitwick is teaching then maybe I'll get better." She uttered back to Malfoy who just smirked and shook his head leaning back in his chair.


Ophelia and Macy went to their second to last class of the day which was Defence Against the Dark Arts. They sat near the back of the classroom, next to Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoys desk. She watched as a paper bird soar through the room only to have it be burned by Umbridge.

"Good morning children" she stated as she walked further in the room. "Ordinary, Wizarding, Level, examinations. O. W. L. Also known as Owls. Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe." The Professor stood in front of a table full of books that started to fly out and onto the students desks. "Your previous instruction in the subject has been disturbingly uneven,"

      Ophelia sighed as her book slammed done on her desk. Her fellow classmate Hermione Granger raised her hand.

"There is nothing in here about using defensive spells." she remarked to the teacher.

"Using spells?" the Professor let at a annoying high pitch giggle "Well I can't imagine why you would need to use spell's in my classroom"

      Ophelia was confused.

"We're not gonna use magic?" She questioned out loud causing a few heads to turn in her direction.

"You will be learning about spells in a risk-free way"

       "If we're going to be attacked it's not going to be risk free" Harry Potter told the pink toad in a rather harsh way.

"Students will raise their hands if they want to speak in my class"

'this class should be fun' Ophelia thought sarcastically to herself.


After an dreadful day of classes Ophelia made her way to the Great Hall for dinner. She still had one more class though, Astronomy which happens to be her favorite. She had it at eleven o'clock today and she could barley wait.

"Hello Ophelia" she jumped as the Weasley twins appeared beside her, the startled girl laughed.

"Hey guys, how was your first day of your last year at hogwarts" she beamed looking at the two red head boys. Ophelia and the Weasley twins had always gotten along. They often stood up for her, joked around together, and Ophelia would even sometimes help them with pranking people. Woodlock also knew about there passion of starting a joke and prank shop in the followings year.

"It was great—" Fred chimed in as he looked down at the girl.

"—Very interesting." George joked while raising his eyebrows.

"Well that's good." She said to the twins walking into the Great Hall. "I'll talk to you guys later"

"Definitely" they replied back to her before parting ways to the Gryffindor table.

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she sat down next to Lillian at the Hufflepuff table.

Ophelia ran her hand through her curly hair and lightly drummed her fingers on the wood.

"I'm excited for Astronomy" Macy told Ophelia as she sat in the spot across from her.

"I am too," The brunette smiled at them. The three of them all had the that class together so that made them even more happy about it.

    Ophelia adjusted the glasses on her face and looked around the dining hall. She locked eyes with Draco yet he immediately looked away. It wasn't the first time they shared awkward glances with each other.

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