Chapter thirty four: am I the problem?

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And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch
Who can't admit when he's sorry
-song: To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles

"WAIT I'M CONFUSED," Draco said with a slight laugh to his tone. "You dated Dean Thomas?"

"Well I don't know if I would call it dating," Ophelia looked over at him as they walked to the entrance of the three broomsticks "It was never official or anything," she chuckled as she saw him clenched his jaw "Don't be jealous, that was way back in fourth year anyway."

Draco scoffed as he held the door open for her "I'm not jealous, I just think you could have done better."

"Hey!" She said as they walked into the pub "He's nice."

"Yeah whatever." he sighed and turned to face her "You go find a spot, I have to go do something real quick."

Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows as she watched him quickly walk away and up the staircase. She huffed and looked around the room.

She smiled as she saw the golden trio.

"Ophelia!" Harry waved her over.

She squeezed past people as she made her way to their table. "Hi guys." she smiled at the three.

"Hey did Malfoy tell you where he was going?" Harry asked as he looked at Ophelia. "He looked like he was in a hurry."

She rolled her eyes "I talked to him, he's not a Death Eater, no need to be on his case anymore."

Granger gasped "Harry!" she scolded "I told you not to tell her."

"She had every right to know what I was thinking." he turned his attention back to Woodlock "But do you really think that if he were one, he would tell you?" Harry raised his eyebrows "I mean this is Draco Malfoy we are talking about. Him and his family have history with Voldemort, it makes sense that he would be one."

Ophelia shook his head "Harry I respect where you're coming from, but Draco isn't like his family, He's actually nice once you get to know him."

"Yeah right." Harry scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Malfoy has never said anything nice to me in the 6 years we've known each other," He leaned back in his chair "And last time I checked he wasn't all that kind to you before 5th year."

Woodlock opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it as she saw Draco walking down the stairs. "I have to go, see you guys later."

She walked over to Malfoy and grabbed his hand "Let's sit over here," she motioned to an open booth.

The pair walked over and sat down. "I have that dumb dinner party tomorrow." She said, trying to start a conversion.

He hummed in response, already knowing where this is going.

"And Professor Slughorn said we can bring a plus one," she gnawed on her lip "I was maybe thinking you could come with me?"

Draco sighed "What time is it at?"

"7:00 I believe."

Malfoy frowned, he didn't want to go "Sorry love, but I don't think I can come."

Ophelia gave him a sad smile and nodded her head "That's okay," she said "I was stupid to ask, I knew you would say no." she chuckled at her foolishness. Draco looked at her for a few seconds before the waitress came over with two butterbeers "Thank you." Ophelia said to her as she walked away.

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