Chapter thirty eight: home

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"I was lost in space
I was lost in space but now I found my place
I was lost in space but now I'm in place
I know you"
-song: January by Verzache

OPHELIA CHEWED on her lip, trying to hide the smile that was tugging on her mouth.

      Mint, parchment paper, hint of Dior Sauvage cologne.

      She slowly straightens her back from leaning over her cauldron. The pearl color liquid in the pot had a slight glow to it as the overwhelming smell filled her nose.

     Amortentia; the strongest love potion to ever exist. It was known to smell different to each person. The scent reminds the person what attracts them the most.

      Her eyes flicked up across the potions classroom to the table filled with Slytherins, Draco being one of them.

      She watched as he lightly leaned over his own cauldron, breathing in the fimallar smell.

      Honey, vanilla, home.

      Draco ran his tongue across the inside of his cheek as he smirked. His eyes met Ophelia's.

      Honey, vanilla, home.

      But it wasn't his home, no it couldn't be. He despised the Malfoy Manor with every bone in his body.

      It was her.

      Because whenever he saw her, looked at her, heard her voice, or even thought of her, his heart would pound in his ears, his face felt hot, his stomach would erupt in butterflies, he felt whole. Complete. Filled. Ophelia was his home.


     "Class is dismissed," Professor Slughorn said while clasping his hands behind his back.

     Ophelia slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way out of the class. She tapped Malfoy on the shoulder as she came up behind him. "Hey love," he said while he gazed at her.

     "Hey," she smiled as they walked side by down the crowded hallway. "Pretty interesting class huh,"

      Draco chuckled "Sure,"

      She gnawed on her lip and looked up at him "So what did you smell?" she asked while her hand hugged around the strap of her bag.

      He licked his dry lips and sighed "You know honestly, I couldn't tell," he teased with a smug look forming on his face.

      "Oh is that so?" she asked with a laughing tone as she raised her eyebrows.

      "Honey, and vanilla." He decided to leave out the overwhelming scent of her. The home feeling he got from it made him want to melt.

       She smiled at what he had told her. She wore a perfume that had a scent of the two things.

      "Mint, parchment, and that one cologne you use," she said while nudging his arm.

     He hummed and nodded. Since the air outside was too cool and frigid, Ophelia and Draco found themselves going up to the Astronomy tower instead of the normal spot of trees resting next to Black Lake, almost every day after classes. "You wouldn't mind if I skipped hanging out tonight right?" he asked while glancing over at her "I have to take care of some things."

     Ophelia tried to hide the frown forming on her face "I don't mind." she said while sighing. Now that she actually knew why Malfoy was running off all the time, she was much more understanding. Fearful and worried, but understanding.

    There was no doubt that after what had happened over the holiday between the two, that they had been practically inseparable.

      Though as much as Draco loved the girl, he needed to focus on his main task. Getting the goddamn Vanishing cabinet to work so he can let the Death Eaters into the castle, and getting all his nerves and fearfulness out so he can actually kill Dumbledore.

     Draco wanted to laugh at the thought. He knew he wouldn't be able to murder someone. The thought of killing someone made him want to throw up. Well, it's not like he hasn't tried throughout the months they've been at Hogwarts. Remember Katie Bell and how she got cursed? Yeah that was Draco. He didn't mean to hurt the innocent girl, no not at all. In fact he gave her a cursed necklace -wrapped up in paper of course- to give to the Headmaster. It wasn't his fault that she decided to touch the killer object. He told her not to. He told her to give it right to Dumbledore. To not let anyone else go near the necklace. But she didn't listen to him.

      Ron Wealsey also had gotten cursed by Draco trying to complete his mission. He had tricked Slughorn to give the Headmaster a type of Poison, though it failed once again when Weasley got into the dangerous drink instead of the main target. Ron ended up being okay, he was in the hospital for a few days, but is now out and fine.

      "Well," Ophelia started, making Draco snap out of his thoughts "I'm going to go, but if you change your mind, you know where to find me." she pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek "je t'aime."


     "Ginny," Ophelia said as she was about to pass her in the hallway. The Weasley girl stopped walking "I just wanted to say I'm so sorry about what happened to your guys house." She told her with a sad expression. Over the holiday break, a few Death Eaters found that Potter was staying with the Weasleys, so they attacked their home, and burned it to the ground. Ophelia's heart ached for their family when she heard the news.

      Ginny frowned "Yes, it is very upsetting." she said, with a slight aggression in her tone, Ophelia knew that Ginny didn't like her dating Draco. It didn't help that his aunt Bellatrix was one of the Death Eaters at the attack.

      "If there is anything I can do to help, let me know." she told her with a small sad smile.

      "Of course, thank you Ophelia." Ginny said before they parted ways.

      Woodlock sighed and turned the corner, walking towards the staircase leading to the Astronomy tower.

     As she reached the top, she sat down on the old ledge. Her feet dangling off, while the two rusty bars -one by her torso and the other right above her head- made her feel more safe. She liked it when Draco would come up with her. His arm would always be around her waist, knowing that she was afraid that she would somehow fall, even though the railings made it almost impossible. Her head would rest on his shoulder as they talked. She would fidget with his rings on his fingers, twisting them around, tracing them, she knew he loved it when she did that.

      Ophelia pulled out her notebook from her bag and flipped to the next clean page. She furrowed her eyebrows, not really sure on what to write. A soft sigh escaped her chapped lips as she wrote down Draco's name at the top. Under it she began to write out everything she loves about him. It was cheesy and some may say cringy, but she didn't care. She wanted to write down the feelings and the things he would make her feel so she would never forget.

      His smile, the way he learned French for her, his laugh, his humor, the way he holds her, how they learned to be honest with each other, how he talks about her, how he talks to her, the way he would intertwined his fingers around her jean belt loops, how he listens to her music, how they can joke around with each other, his soft lips, the silver rings he wore, how he says her name, the way he compliments her. The list went on and on.

      They felt lost without the other. Honestly Ophelia wasn't sure how they lasted up until 5th year without each other.

      Again, they felt whole together. Complete. Filled. Loved. Home.


i hope you liked this chapter!


French line: I love you (je t'aime)

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