•Chapter 11•

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!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!

You were now outside the gates of the care center but you could have swore you heard a scream similar to Douma's tone...

But that must've been your imagination as you walked put to the gardening shop to pick up the wisteria plant, you put your hands in your jacket and slightly shivered

"Its so cold..." you muttered, it was around 5° so you couldnt really blame yourself, even with the thick jacket of yours it still felt about 12°,

Which was a good thing the shop was only two to three miles away, you were also lucky to have a good immune system, if not you'd most likely get a cold this second,

And the temperature might explain why there arent many people out today, you thought as you walked to the shop, every breath turning into mist, which was enjoyable when you were a child,

You walked on the pavement seeing a few cars struck by you continued to walk until you reached a certain stop waiting for a red light, even if there werent any cars....

Gaining you a few weird looks as you walked across the street then turned to your right and started walking straight again,

After a few minutes you continue to turn to your left and walked forward again until a few minutes passed by you finally made it,

You smiled while breathing quite heavily, again...walking alot wasnt your thing as you caught your breath in a matter of seconds you walked in hearing a small ring making you slightly stunned,

"Ah! (Y/n)! Welcome back" and old man smiled welcoming you as you responded with a gentle smile "Tora-sama!" You greeted walking up to the old man,

As the male laughed at your greeting, "I saw you panting outside just now, things don't change do they?" The male laughed as you chuckled  along,

"Yeah, basically" you shrugged, "But you decorated this place nicely, if you didnt greet me i would have thought i came in to the wrong shop"

You continued making the man laugh again, "Rei picked out the decorations, even the bell, glad you like it" The man shrugged as you perked up,

"Oh! How's sweet little Rei doing?" You smiled at the memory of the smaller Red head,

"Oh Rei's been good! But shes been buggin me to ask you to babysit her" The male whispered the last part but you heard nice and clearly,

"Awww, i would love to! I could play with her right now actually, im on break" you smiled as the man just perked up a brow,

"You got a job already?
(Y/n) dear you just graduated!" The man stood shocked as you chuckled

"I got the job a few months ago Tora-sama" you chuckled slightoy making the Male even more shocked,

"(Y/n) you grow up to fast, i still remember those days when you were playing in the shop everyday and planting the flowers with me"

The old man shook his head slightly crossing his arms as you just scratched your cheek in slight embarrassment,

it wasnt like your the only one in the shop as a few people saw you getting lectured by the owner on how you grow up to fast you couldnt help but glow a feint pink

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