▪Chapter 17▪

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!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!

( Disclaimer )

Since im bored, im making everyones roles switch today! And their personality aswell! But their favored nature towards you wont change at all, only a few switches and that it! Hope you like the chapter!


( Third person POV! )


You suddenly got woken up by a touch, wait...but you live alone, you thought as you Immediately opened your eyes in slight shock, but your eyes slightly softened at the sight of Kiriya,

Just slightly... as you slowly sat up looking at Kiriya confused, the male just looked at you, seemingly to have expected something,

"Kiriya...? What are you doing..." you muttered as the Male widened his eyes in shock whilst you just sat in utter confusion,

"(L/n)...?" Kiriya called out an unfamiliar name as you perked up a brow,
"(L/n)?, is she,he or are they one of your friends?"

You formed a small smile before looking back to see an empty wall....then realizing your the only one in the room other then Kiriya had just made you more confused,

As you looked back at Kiriya to see his concerned face, "Whatever is wrong with you, you better fix it" Kiriya scoffed before leaving the room as you continued to sit on the bed, not understanding what Kiriya had meant,

You decided to shrug it off, (as usual) and continued to stand up, intending to go downstairs you recognized this room as Mitsuri's and Shinobu's,

"Eh...i dont remember sleeping in here..." you muttered to yourself sweatdropping, something feels really wrong as you walked over to the door to go outside the room, you were met with Yahaba who was, outside your room, waiting for you?

As Yahaba looked at you, his eyes Immediately shone with exitement which he wasted no time to hug you, "(Y/n)!" Yahaba smiled which was... weird, you thought,

But nevertheless, you shockingly hugged the male back, "Yahaba, goodmorning" You greeted back with a small smile feeling the male stiffen under your touch he moved back still having his hands on your shoulders as he intensely looked at you as if he was checking you to see if you were really...well..you.

You sweatdropped, Whilst Yahaba looked at you, shocked, "S-Susamaru!" Yahaba called out to his friend as the females annoyed groan was heard from the room beside you,

The door opened to reveal... Susamaru? You couldn't tell...she looked...quite different as her eyes softened at the sight of you, "Oh, (L/n)-san, is Yahaba bothering you again?"

Susamaru perked up a brow as you slowly shook your head, "No not at all, thank you for asking though" you smiled gently as the female blinked in confusion,

"Yahaba...did you do something..?" Susamaru slowly fixed her gaze towards the male who looked just as shocked, "No! I would never change (Y/n)! Not a single bit!"

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