•Chapter 9•

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UsageCrisis speaking!
( Third person POV )

While you closed the door behind you, oblivious to the conversation they soon held you quickly went to Tengen's and Gyomei's shared room,

As you reached the outside of the door, coming in, as Tengen perked up at your presence the male just smiled at your figure

"Ah! Kamado-san! Why didnt you tell us you came back already? That wasnt very Flamboyant of you!" Tengen asked which you just smiled back charmingly,

"Gomen gomen~ I heard from Akaza-san you were still sleeping, so i decided not to bother" you chuckled as the males eyes darkened at the name before going back

[Ps : no he's not a yandere just yet, he just hates the males guts]

"Lucky for you my flamboyant self will let it slide just this once!" Tengen laughed as you giggle along, before moving your gaze to the 7,2 foot male,

"And how are you doing Himejima-san?" You asked which he looked at your direction just a centimeter off, "Just Gyomei is fine Kamado-san"

Gyomei offered whilst you nodded, "Of course, then how are you? Gyomei-san" you smiled as the male just let out small tears "Im doing just fine, thank you" Gyomei slightly bowed down his head,

"Hey!" Tengen started gaining your attention making you shift your gaze to the silver haired male,

"What about me?" Tengen continued making you smile,
...slightly covering that you forgot about his well being...

And you just nodded before speaking up, "Yes yes, and how are you Tengen-san?" You simply asked which the male just smiled brighter if that were possible,

"Very flamboyant for you to ask Kamado-san! Im doing as flamboyant as usual!" Tengen answered, well...yelled slightly,

"Good! But if you ever feel not so flamboyant, immediately come me!" You smiled reassuringly pointing your thumb at yourself, as Gyomei seemed to cry even more

Which Tengen just laughed yelling a 'Yes ma'am!', you slightly covered your ears at the sudden out burst but somehow still kept the same smile present,

"You better be serious!" You playfully scoffed, which lucky for you, both males got, "But now what do you need?" You continued Tilting your head happily,

"Well just wanted to see you is all, Gyomei-san here also wanted to wish you a flamboyant day!" Tengen laughed in a carefree manner,

"I didnt quite say flamboyant, but sure" Gyomei nodded as your aura just brightened "Awww! Thank you Gyomei-san" you smiled sweetly which Gyomei somehow felt, nodding in response,

"Well then if thats all then im going to make lunch, is that okay for you both?" You asked as Tengen just nodded along with Gyomei, you clasped your hands

"Alright then! I hope you dont mind Kelp riceballs!" You smiled before walking out with yet again, a small wave, going downstairs to make the Kelp riceballs only to find Tamayo already in the kitchen with Yushiro,

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