•Chapter 8•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!

...And it was REALLY tempting...


( Third person POV )

Whilst you made your way upstairs going to the first door then knocking already knowing who's room it would be will a small box in you hand

As you just opened the door to see both Males, one (which was Giyuu) was on his desk writing something? Probably a letter to his adoptive father, which you read of

And another (Muichiro) who was laying on his bed, his eyes slightly perked up on your figure, seems as if he was exited to see you, but you werent to sure of that due to his deadpanned face,

But nevertheless you shook it off and gave them both a warm and gentle smile "Tomioka-san, Tokito-san, hello" you greeted as they just nodded in response

Though they were quite shocked you werent going crazy by now "I have the things i promised you two yesterday, im just going to put it here okay? Call me if you need me" you smiled again,

Placing the box on the desk beside you before leaving the room with a final wave, you closed the door infront of you and continued to go downstairs,

Of course to make Mitsuri's day snack that was informed to you by Shinobu,

"Ara~Ara! Mitsuri here is such a glutton! She even has snacks after breakfast lunch and dinner!" Shinobu chuckled

As Mitsuri hid her blushing face, "Oi, dont embarrass her Shinobu-san" Obanai narrowed his eyes down before you chuckled

"Oh, is that right?" You formed a closed eyed smile before opening them just to look at The Female

"If you want, i can make you those?" You perked up a brow as The girl looked up in shock, well...she shouldn't be by now, you were quite the intresting fellow must i say as the girl just looked down in embarrassment

"Y-yes that would be nice" Mitsuri blushed hugging Shinobu's arm tighter as the purple butterfly chuckled patting Mitsuri on the head


You quickly went downstairs, only to see your siblings....gone? They were here a second ago..you stood confused before brushing it off as they went to the garden to get some fresh air or something

Ignoring the bad twisted feeling in your stomach you just went to the kitchen to make Mitsuri's day snack, which you just hummed thinking about what snack you should make

Tempura...." you let your mind wander off before you perked up, "Sakura Mochi!" You smiled, you very much enjoyed the food when you were little, so why not?

You smiled happily at the memory before starting and preparing all the ingredients and settings before starting to make the Mochi's,

You considered making 10, since Shinobu might want some, you made the rice in a few minutes then starting everything else before hearing footsteps you looked back to check if anyone wanted your help or of some sort,

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