•Chapter 3•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!


But...you shook it off, maybe you lost it on the way here, as you shrugged before opening the thin metal door to see a person who's really...tall...and another with an instresting headband "Ah uhm hello! My name is Kamado
(Y/n) and i am going to he your caretaker from now on" you greeted with a smile as the person with the intresting headband smiled back "Hello Kamado-san! Flamboyant entrance! My name is Tengen Izui!" The man with white hair stood up, "Ah thank you! And im guessing this is Gyomei?" You continued before closing the door behind you while the 7.2 foot man nodded having his hands clasped together still "Very Flamboyant guess Kamado-san!" Tengen smiled with his usual laugh making you stood still for a second, is this really the man that killed hundreds? You thought quickly before chuckling along "Thats very Flamboyant of you too Tengen-san! I Flamboyamtly Thank you for saying that!" You followed along, which Tengen clearly enjoyed "Also! Very nice Beads Gyomei-san" you turned your gaze towards the 7.2 foot man which he perked up before crying silently even more which you didnt norice "Wait just a second..." you remembered before digging through your pocket before reaching a similar beaded bracelet, pulling it out, you guessed he was blind due to him looking at you in the slightly wrong direction thus you walked closer just to the point to reach out for his hand to let him feel the bracelet "sorry for taking your hand all of a sudden,but Now we can be matching then!" You smiled before putting your hand back then putting on the bracelet, you got it from a friend in college, she/he was nice enough to give you one claiming that she/he didnt want it, but you knew they just wanted to give you the bracelet, their a real Tsundere, and.... Gyomei shot tears out of his eyes all of a sudden making you flinch letting out a yelp "Thank you Kamado-san...you are very kind..." Gyomei muttered making you confused, what exactly did you do...? That you had no idea of as you mentaly panicked which was cut of by Tengen laughing lightheartedly again "He's fine! He's always like this" Tengen reassured making you sigh out in relief a second after swallowing the situation "ah..i was so scared.." you muttered, making Tengen laugh even more before you straightened your posture "Alright! I should probably be going to the next room now! If you ever need me then just click that button!" You smiled which Tengen showed clear disappointment which Gyomei understood, "I'll be back when you call me" you smiled before waving then walking out, dismissing Tengen's clear disappointed aura, as you closed the door before walking towards the next one, Kamado siblings, you read, since these are YOUR siblings you just skipped to the next "Okay...Inosuke... and Zenitsu..." you mumbled before flipping the pages, you read Zenitsu's then went along to Inosuke's, he's here because he was raised by a boar...? He's confused of the outside world, he killed people for food because he thought it was okay, he thought it was okay because his mother hunted animals from time to time, he would always say that his mother is still alive, even if he saw her die, he's in denial, you mentally read, this is not exactly common so you felt both amazement and sympathetic for this boy as you hummed before opening the door, to your surprise the room went quiet in an instant, silence filled the air for many minutes while both boys looked at you, and them you decided to greet yourself "Hello there! My name is Kamado (Y/n) and-" you started with a smile before getting interrupted "FIGHT ME/MARRY ME" both boys yelled making you utterly confused "One at a time please? I didnt quite catch that" you sweatdropped which Inosuke took as a chance "FIGHT ME HAG!" The boy yelled making you sweatdrop as Zenitsu slightly gasped "HAG?! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS LADY?! SHES BEAUTIFUL YOU BLIND BOAR!" Zenitsu gaped as you blinked in confusion before almost bursting into giggles " Pfffft..." you covered your mouth to prevent any sounds coming out "Arigato....Zenitsu" you smiled, since your pad had a picture of every patient you could guess which ones which, As Zenitsu turned into a tomato mumbling that someone as pretty as you acknowledged him "And sorry Inosuke-san...its been a long time since ive fought...maybe i'll try later on?" You smiled which Inosuke surprisingly understood and furiously nodded "Great! As i was saying, im your new caretaker now and its a pleasure to meet you both" you smiled forming your hand to a fist then putting it where your heart beats "And i promise i'll be here for you all until you wont need me anymore" you smiled calmly yet kindly, "What?" Inosuke asked making Zenitsu snap his gaze onto him "You ruined the moment!" Zenitsu pointed his finger at Inosuke slightly furious "The what now?" Inosuke asked confusedly, "The moment!" Zenitsu yelled again which silence filled the air for a couple of seconds "There was a moment?" Inosuke asked, clearly confused which Zenitsu Fumed even more as you sweatdropped At the scene, as much as it was amusing you couldnt afford losing your job because you couldnt stop a fight as you giggled slightly "Alright lets not fight now.." you smiled pulling Zenitsu away from Inosuke "We dont wanna trouble anyone with noise now do we?" You smiled which both boys looked at you completely quiet, "Thats more like it! Now lets keep it this was for the longest we can okay?" You hummed, but Inosuke didnt agree "YOU CANT DO THAT OLD HAG!" Inosuke yelled making you sigh "Its a competition then! Whoever is the last to fight back wins!" You smiled which was music to Inosuke's ears which he yelled out a 'I will win' making you chuckle "Alright, i'll be going now, if you need me press that button right there and i'll be here to help you both" you patted both of their shoulders before waving then picking up your clipboard before Zenitsu started to protest "Eh? Already?" Zenitsu asked slightly sulking as you smiled at him "Dont worry i'll be back when you need me, i'll only be greeting the others" You continued which shut Zenitsu up, though he was slightly pouting when you walked out, thus you closed the door behind you once again before eyeing the next room, it was...locked, as the iron palate was carved with the names Nakime Genya, and Obanai? You red in confusion, three people are sharing one room? Well the room does seem prettu big due to it being farther away from others, but probably the room Kagaya-san said would be locked until 4pm, it was 10am still so you dont have to worry about waiting or flipping through pages just yet as you shrugged  before passing the room towards the next one, Yushiro and Tamayo, you took a mental note of their names before skimming through the pages once again, You found Tamayo's first, as you looked at her picture, 'Shes pretty...' you Immediately thought admiring her features before resuming to read her info page, Shes here because of her wrathful hate for one of her building mates right now, she was found in a science lab coming up with different antidotes and poisons, one was labeled for A person named Muzan, soon finding several more poisons, thus her suspicions activities were dismissed once she had won her case, but sent here after her attempt to poison the man, you read in intrest, "Very passionate indeed..." you mumbled in an ammused tone as you flipped the next page, lucky to find the Mint haired boy just behind Tamayo's 'Intresting hair colour...i wonder if its natural...' you thought again as you soon went through his info page, was sent here after his obsession with Ms,Tamayo, he pleaded to be sent here, and even threatened to poison them, thus he got pointed to the building due to his suspicious actions, you perked up , "Very Loyal..." you hummed before closing the papers, knocking "We heard your mumbles so just come in already" A voice huffed with spite, you guessed it was Yushiro from his tone which you smiled opening the door "Dont be so rude Yushiro" A woman, seemingly Tamayo narrowed her eyes which Yushiro muttered a small sorry "Ah, Hello! My name is Kamado (Y/n) and i'll be your new caretaker from now on" you greeted smiling "Why are you even here? You know your going to probably quit after two days righ?-" Yushiro got cut of by himself staring at you stunned, soon forming a small blush on his cheeks which Tamayo noticed and giggled "ah we've heard, Shinobu-san told us through the pipes" Tamayo smiled back(The pipes, as in like the ones in the polar star dorm in Food wars if you get what i mean) "Ah! Then sorry, did i make you wait for to long?" You apologized slightly scratching the back of your head which Tamayo shook her head "No, no its fine" she reassured which you grinned at "Well thats nice, and im guessing this is Yushiro?" You continued slightly closing the door behind you, but still having your hand on the doorknob, silence filled the air making it awkward for a good 4-5 seconds "Ah...seems like he's speechless right now, but yes that is Yushiro, and i am Tamayo if you hadnt guessed by now" Tamayo sweatdropped slightly, "Ah...well thats no good...maybe i should come later with some Medicine? Does he do this often?" You asked clearly worried which Tamayo took in laughing lightly "ah no, he'll be okay, but it is very nice of you to worry about someone you had just met" Tamayo hummed Peacefully closing her eyes turning her gaze towards the floor with a visible smile which you perked up at "well thats really nice of you to say, remember, if you need anything dont be afraid to press the button and i'll be here in a bit" you continued as Tamayo nodded "ive heard that line to many times, but goodbye, hopefully we'll meet again very soon" Tamayo continued as you giggled slightly before continuing to leave, though you could have swore you heard whisper-yelling mutters, but shrugged it off before closing the door behind you then moving on towards the next one, Gyuutaro and Daiki, you hummed before skimming through pages, to your surprise their pages were mixed together, you raised your brow in slight amusement, 'Both of them are really good looking' you thought noticing their features, before continuing towards their information, Both are traumatized from a man killing their family, they claimed for this person to have rainbow eyes, but nonetheless were pulled into an unhealthy mindset and overall an unhealthy life style, both have covered their trauma with their usual personalities but tests have proved both are still in an unhealthy mindset, you read in sympathy stitching your eyebrows, 'They didnt deserve that...' you thought stitching your eyebrows together in overall worry of how their doing right now, as you closed your pages before knocking on the door, no responce?, you tilted your head to the side "Im coming in..." you mumbled (your going to meet them while their in their vulnerable state so dont mind if its a bit ooc ^^) before opening the doors to see a male with Green to white hair holding a woman your age with white to green hair, you soon noticed the White-greenette was crying "Oh gosh...are you okay?-" you went to put your clipboard down before getting Cut off by the Lady's cold glare "Dont even think about it! Dont even think about trying to get close to me!!" The woman yelled in tears which you complied pulling up your clipboard again which Gyuutaro just glanced at you before continuing to try and calm Daiki down "Look...i know this isnt the time..." you started gaining the siblings attention As both looked at you, knowing what you'll say, but unbeknownst to them, "But i dont know what you mean, I'll be here until you all get better, you both will be seeing me everyday until you get out of here and live a future thats waiting for you..." you spoke in an instant, making it obvious you were speaking nothing but the truth, with clear worried eyes and stitched eyebrows, the siblings looked at you a little shocked, it was always Caretakers telling them stuff hesitantly, almost like a clear lie, or stuff that they heard long ago, but this was the first time, they heard something like this,"So im sorry...for whatever made you cry...but if its about leaving then i'll confront you about that...i wont leave until you do" You finished, you were a strong person yes but if it comes to your patients you cant help but make it a little dramatic...and thats something,
"T-they all tell me im crazy doc! And... and i dont know what to do so i just..." one of your past patients cried while you stood there with both kindness and sympathy in your eyes, as you enveloped them into a tight embrace which they complied with holding onto your uniform almost desperately "Shh... its okay...just cry...dont say anything you cant...let it all out...im here until you get out okay..?" You smiled as they sobbed into your uniform,
While you felt a teardrop escape your cheek while Your patient stood there with tears crystaling over their eyes "I....i dont wanna leave doc...im already happy here.." your patient hicced which you started to cry aswell "(P/n)...i know...but you have a life to live outside here..." your voice hicced aswell "but what if i forget you?...i dont wanna do that..." (P/n) muttered as you wiped your tears away "Knowing you...you wont..but if you do..." You started with puffy eyes before pulling out a hair clip with a small star on it before clipping it on their hair (boy's can have hairclips too btw) "This'll remind you" you smiled through your tears wiping away (P/n)'s
"Hey...Ms,(L/n)?" One of your co workers called out as you hummed in response while stitching a teddy bear one of your younger patients requested you to, "(P/n)..." your co-worker muttered as you perked up and excitedly put the teddy bear down "Oh! Is she/he here to visit again?" You asked happily as your co-worker gulped, (P/n) was your first ever patient to come back outside with your help "No...(P/n)... passed away 5 hours ago..." your co-worker mumbled looking at the ground which your smile was quickly pushed away "What...?" You silently asked, Mentally pleading over and over again for it just to be a dream or for you to just mishear what you think your co worker just said "(P/n)...Passed away 5 hours ago..." your co-worker hesitantly repeated, thats it, thats when you felt your heart stop beating, your mouth was slightly shivering, almost as if it wanted to scream, tears enveloped your eyes full while Your co-worker looked at the ground before gulping, "His/her funeral is in 2 days..." your co-worker continued before quickly rushing out while you...you felt your hearing stiffen as you heard nothing but your rapid heartbeat, you felt something on your cheeks, tears were rapidly coming down, "W-wha..." you stuttered, sure...to anyone else it may just be a patient but with you...(P/n) was everything, you've been with him/her eversince she/he was 5, so this was... really just a big deal,
As the Memory struck your eyes enveloped a sad mix to it not coming unnoticed to Gyuutaro and Daiki "But... i understand if you need space, i'll be going to the next room and i'll come back when your ready" you smiled gently, yep...you werent the typical Caretaker they would have, most would push everyone for answers, as you turned your posture back, walking away, and as soon as you touched the doorknob you were stopped by a hand softly tugging yours as you perked up to the feeling, before looking back too see Daiki holding onto your sleeve with Gyuutaro still Daiki's other hand "i-i changed my mind..." Daiki mumbled making you raise both your eyebrows slightly from surprise before slowly letting go of the door knob "Im glad then..." you softly smiled
You sweatdropped, you had no idea how it ended this was but you were now securely holding a sleeping Daiki while sitting on the bed talking with Gyuutaro "This ended unexpectedly, huh?" You giggled slightly which Daiki had her hands wrapped around your waist Gyuutaro just nodded "Though i dont really blame her, you looked like you knew how she felt, entirely" Gyuutaro shrugged which you smiled at "Mhm, i didnt expect Daiki to be such a sweetheart too, i expected for her to warm up to me much later" you hummed looking down at Daiki's Peaceful face "Though it was kinda a dramatic moment too...sorry about that..." You slightly sulked making Gyuutaro crack a small smile "Yeah, it kinda was" The Green-whiteette agreed "Yeah" you nodded before accidentally glancing on the clock "Ah! I better go and greet myself to the others" you perked up at the time, it was already 12 in the afternoon as you sweatdropped Which Gyuutaro hummed a bit dissapointed you had to leave but understood you had a job to do "I'll see you when you need me, just press that button over there and i'll come as quickly as possible" you smiled as Gyuutaro nodded unwrapping Daiki's hands so that you could move which you muttered a small thanks before standing up "Alright! Just call when you need me or when Daiki needs me" You waved after picking up your clipboard which Gyuutaro nodded as you left
Quick answer if you're confused!
-the reason why Daiki was crying is because the last caretaker quit, and that caretaker was the only caretaker she opened up too
-The reason why the other caretakers seem so unprofessional is because the first people they meet are the Kamado siblings or YOUR  siblings, so the two of them messed the caretakers mindset making them scared for the rest of the day and soon making them forget their profession

!UsageCrisis out!
That's all for today!!!

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