•Chapter 7•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!
Ps:Sorry if the story sucks so far, im only a little experienced in writing fanfics but im new to Xreaders so...please be patient with me T-T"
( Third person POV )

"¿What happened?"
!Time skip to when you're free from your shift!●■°□■•□□°□□°●■•●□•□

You let out a tired sigh as the cold breeze hit your face, you just went outside and boy is it cold, you slightly shivered looking down slowly "This is much more tiring then my old job..." you muttered to

yourself, "And i thought i could handle this to.." you continued slightly pouting, you gave your jacket to your siblings since they wanted it so badly, but in the end your the one who's

suffering, huh? You just leaned on the pillar beside you (an actual pillar-) you were tired so why not take a breather? But that was before you felt a small tap on your shoulder

Listen up!
Since Kiriya was cursed of age im making him your age and a possible love intrest, (Your choice)

You perked up at the touch and looked back to see A young man, probably your age from the looks of it, you tilted your head and stoof up straight turning your whole body towards the male "Can i help you?" You mustered a tired smile yet charming and gentle the young male just returned his hand back

"Oh its nothing, im just wondering why a young woman was standing in the cold, do you work here?" The male asked as you just sweatdropped, you were...clearly wearing the uniform which The young male caught on after seconds of awkward silence

"A...ah... i see" the male sweatdropped aswell which you just smiled politely at "Mhm, and im just a bit tired, this is just my first day so im a bit worked out"

you chuckled quietly scratching your cheek in embarrassment as the male just nodded in an understanding matter "That was my experience on the first day here aswell so i understand, but i could escort you home if you'd like?"

The male offered as you shook it off with a polite hand signal "No need, my place is pretty close from here, but thank you..." you stopped yourself after

realizing you havent even asked for his name yet, you just stood awkwardly as the ravenette let out a small chuckle "Kiriya, Ubuyashiki Kiriya" The male which you just found out was Kiriya introduced which you changed your expression to a more calm one after a few seconds releasing a small smile

"Thank you Ubuyashiki-san, And my name is (Y/n), Kamado (Y/n)" you introduced back as Kiriya just hummed in responce "Well, i should probably be going now, stay safe" Kiriya excused himself letting out a small wave and smile walking away which you just watched as he walks

away soon looking like an ant in your eyes, welll.... that was before you realised it was probably getting to late you Immediately perked up realizing almost 10 minutes later, you just quickly ran(slightly) towards the exit, the uniform for females were high heels(kinda) so running isnt the best choice of

transportation in this case, and you weren't used to wearing fancy clothing so this was just a minus point for you, "I should have listened when mom told me to get used to high heels..." you cursed at yourself,

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