•Chapter 12•

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uX_Sphinx_Xu Speaking!
Welcome to chapter 12!

( Third person POV )


You came in to see Susamaru already getting comfortable while having a sleeping pose on the couch making you laugh slightly,

"Susamaru..-" Yahaba groaned before getting cut politely by your hand signal "Its fine Yahaba, i'll just clean the apartment later alright?
Just go and sit down, im going to the kitchen to make some tea"

You smiled letting go if the male's wrist as he just sighed again sitting on his usual seat when he comes here, "Y'know you can never win against Wifey"

Susamaru laughingly teased making Yahaba look at her unimpressed, He just groaned knowing if he didnt respond the female would bother him more,

"Is that a problem to you? We already agreed on sharing havent we?" Yahaba grunted which Susamaru snickered at,

"Yeah yeah whatever!" Susamaru laughed, "Your just jealous that she likes me more" Susamaru hummed turning her position so that shes laying on her stomach,

Irking Yahaba just a little, "We havent even told her about that Susamaru," Yahaba sternly reminded still having an irk mark praised on his forehead,

As the two started bickering, mostly of Susamaru joking around of course, and Yahaba being annoyed,

As the two continued on until you came back with a thin metal tray, it was your mothers and you decided to finally use it,

The two stopped bickering just to look up at you whilst you put the thin tray down, "So i heard you guys were bickering, what about?"

You smiled sitting down as Susamaru just sat up cuddling against you giving you a tight Koala hug,

You see Susamaru was more open with affection while Yahaba would just stick to short hugs or just small bits of affection, which you grew used to of course,

But unfortunately for Yahaba you didnt notice his irritated self as he just calmly took a cup of tea, knowing you already cleaned them for him,

"Oh and Yahaba! I cleaned the cups for you, so dont worry about germs alright?" You smiled, just as he predicted he just nodded, "I know"

He simply responded as you just continued smiling, "Oh! And did you put sugar in mine?" Susamaru asked which you just responded with a simple nod,

Taking one of the cups and handing her the slightly sugary one, (My headcannon is that Susamaru likes sweet stuff while Yahaba likes Savory, is that alright?)

"Thank you!" Susamaru smiled releasing you from the Koala hug then took the cup from your hand, you chuckled slightly taking your own cup a second later,

and of course there were more as a tea pot layed on the tray with some small sugar packets for Susamaru,

But of course things werent always this way


You sweatdropped, you finally finished unpacking all the boxes and cleaned the place,

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