•Chapter 6•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!
( Third person POV )

You were now here, its already 15:55 and everyone is probably still eating a late lunch that you made since you forgot that YOU were the one who had to cook
Oh, and where were you exactly? You are leaning on the wall infront of the locked room, just waiting with key's in your hands just to open the door, you are very strict with rules given to you eversince you were a kid so that makes sense you just looked at the ground quite impatiently as you heard a small mumble you Immediately looked left and right to find the source of the sound "Who was that?" You asked loud enough fixing your posture, as in standing up straight of course, you only heard silence as the hallways were already cold, to be honest this whole place was cold, and unfortunately for you Nezuko wanted to keep your uniform jacket for now so you let her borrow it, as you just sweatdropped again just a bit "Must be my imagination" you shrugged leaning on the wall in relief once more, even if you ARE 20-21 years old you really just couldnt stand scary stuff other then intresting murders and stuff, as you looked back at the clock soon perking up at the number 15:59, you thought, time sometimes fly by to quickly, you just readied your keys just by the number of the clock you skimmed through the keys before seeing the right one you took a mental note looking back up at the clock on the wall- "Kamado-san" a voice called making you jump Immediately before un-stiffening seeing as it was only Muichiro "ah, Tokito-san, do you need something?" You asked the 20 year old as he nodded "i just wanted to-" Muichiro started before being cut off by himself with awkward silence "I..." Muichiro started again seemingly to squint his eyes in slight frustration while looking at the ground, he remembered that he actually wanted this so it was hard as you tilted your head before smiling "Ah...Do you easily forget things Tokito-san?" You asked which Muichiro just nodded in response as you slightly chuckled "Thats alright...if you want you can have this, make sure to write in it before you forget" you smiled handing him a spare notepad and your former pen that was in your pocket, you easily lose things so you always buy things with ACTUAL pockets but since what you're wearing are leggings the organization gave you for work you were lucky enough to get pockets, As Muichiro looked down at your extending hand before taking the stuff on your palm and nodding "Thank you Kamado-san" Muichiro muttered as you replied with a honest and polite hand signal "Just (Y/n)" you smiled as Muichiro perked up nodding taking the Notepad to use as you took this as a chance to see the time 16:03, you perked up "Ah, i better say hello to the people here" You excused yourself with a hand wave walking over to the room coming in after only a few seconds of knocking which unbeknownst to you Muichiro was still in the same spot,
"(Y/n)..." Muichiro muttered trying his best to memorize the name so he can call out to you without looking at his notepad, the only reason he remembered your last name was because of Tanjiro of course, the boys his friend

!Back to you!

You opened the door to see what you predicted, a bigger room then others as your eyes also landed on three patients giving them a quick smile closing the door as you walked in "Genya... Nakime and Obanai, am i right?" You Immediately smiled which was not to their surprise since Genya also predicted you would be like this which Nakime nodded "Wahh! Great great" you smiled, clasping your hands before skimming through the pages for Nakime since you already knew Obanai's and probably knew Genya's, And...There, You found it after a few seconds the information was...almost one to none as it said that the girl didnt utter a word out of her past, but all the know is that its most likely Trauma causing her mind to be unstable "Awe..." you muttered, you really felt sympathetic for the poor girl, she was around your age to, but still, what was up with all these blank information pages? You thought in the back of your mind but shrugged it off as you soon felt the aura getting more nervous, the three of them are probably stiffened because they think you'd ask them, you continued to what you had previously thought and couldnt help but feel sad, thus the first thing that came up to your mind was comfort them and reassure them "I know what it feels to be traumatized so dont worry, i wont ask personal things" you smiled reassuringly as everyone looked at you in slight shock, again since most people lose alot of their profession after meeting the Kamado siblings their curiosity gets hidden in words such as 'Its so i can help you' 'Dont you want help?' And 'I cant understand you if you dont tell me' so this was quite surprising, your reassuring smile only boosted their liking towards yourself well... except for one "How would we know that" the ravenette sternly spoke with closed eyes as you just continued smiling, you didnt expect everyone to like you so you understand "Thats fine, you dont have to believe me so soon" you shook your head at the last part gaining the Snake pillar's attention as he slowly opened hi eyes eyeing you in pure suspicion by your tone as you used one that sounded as if you would like to continue "I mean... im a Stranger to you all, you dont need to believe me but i cant promise that i'll leave you alone" you continued, this was new, most of the people would just try and defend themselves or just tell them something similar with no feeling in it though, you finished "But you'll have to depend on me okay? Im here to help you all until you get out of here, i'll allow anyone to lean onto me until they dont need to" you explained with a smile be
before realizing how dramatic that sounded your eyes stung open with a slight flushed face, and... you had the tendency to say dramatic things, "Ah...that was to dramatic wasnt it..? Well! If any of you are hungry Lunch is downstairs, and no i didnt forget about you three, but please eat before the food gets completely cold" you scratched your cheek awkwardly since the room was so quite before deciding to take your leave "But! If you ever need me dont be afraid to press that button and!-" you continued before feeling a buzz on your wrist as you looked at it Immediately, Sanemi and Rengoku, it read as you smiled "Well, thats my time to go, i'll see you all when you need me" you smiled happily exiting the room to go to Sanemi and Rengoku's room, leaving the three stunned "I...i wasnt expecting that..." Genya muttered, he barely got a word in the conversation but instead gave you a slight glare, before turning that into a shocked expression which the room went into awkward silence "I told you" Genya slightly huffed trying to lift up the silence, but failed as if the drag was too heavy to lift for now
Back to you once again!
You happily hummed closing the door before starting to go downstairs, intending to wash the dishes since their all probably and most likely already finished you put your clipboard again happily going downstairs to see every plate on the table stacked together as you intended to see you quickly walked down the stairs putting the clipboard on the table beside the stairs in the process then taking the stacks bit by bit putting them all in the sink, as you rolled up your long sleeves getting ready to wash all of them "Kamado-San.." a voice gently called while you were in the middle of washing a plate you just glanced at the figure, realizing its Kanao you quickly rinsed off the plate putting it away "Yes Kanao-san?" You replied after a few seconds as the girl looked at you with no emotions whatsoever "Its my turn to wash the dishes today" kanao muttered as you perked up before quickly smiling "Its fine Kanao-san, you only wash the dishes because there arent any caretakers, just go do something you want to okay?" You smiled giving her a sweet yet gentle hand signall complying it with a smile as the girl just stood there silent taking out the coin again as you perked up slightly confused when the girl your age flipped it, "Okay" Kanao nodded before walking out leaving you a little stunned before shrugging it off then continuing to wash the dishes, Letting your mind wander off to thoughts such as, 'I wonder what i should cook for dinner' 'Am i doing a good job' 'I wonder how Tanjiro/Nezuko is doing' ect...before you knew it when you reached out towards another plate, you were finished, you stood quietly confused before slightly chuckling to yourself "Silly me" you hummed going back to the sink to wash your hands, continuing to dry them with a towel right after you let out a small sigh "That was alot of dishes..." you muttered closing your eyes, sure you had a big family but this place was like having an even bigger one, You stayed this position for a few seconds releasing small breaths, your shoulders were tired that was for sure, but this was only the first day so you decided to open your eyes and get used to it, you quickly went back to the Table, 'Have those 3 not eaten yet?'you thought as you still saw 3 plates on the dinner table you blinked in confusion soon on deciding to give them the plates, you reheated the food then took a spare tray and put the food plates on them, walking upstairs, after a minute you reached the room then knocked on the slightly thicker door pulling your hand back as you heard a small hum, opening the door to see the trio still there wide awake, they looked at you with slight curiosity in they're eyes "Ah, i just wanted to drop of your food here since you three havent ate yet" you gently smiled putting the tray on the table beside the door "And please eat, its not good to skip meals, and it'll also be a waste if you dont" you ended stitching your eyebrows in worry before walking out leaving them no words to tag along in you soon walked along, getting another buzz on your wrist, it was still 5pm so you had 4 hours of work left, and you were already tired...but nonetheless you looked at the wrist accessory on your..well.. wrist to see that Nezuko and Tanjiro need you, you Immediately walked along towards the door since you're already upstairs and knocked, you guessed they would have thought you were downstairs so it would be a surprise if you came 20 seconds early you opened the door to see your siblings "Yes Onii-san?(i just remembered that Tanjiro if your brother) Nezuko?" You responded they just looked at you in delight "That was quick Onee-chan" Nezuko smiled standing up, then clinging on your side nuzzling her face onto your arm again you just chuckled slightly giving the girl a pat on the head, who was 19 by now, so a year younger then you, as everyone else were either your age or slightly younger by a year OR slightly older by a year or two, Tanjiro looked at you with a smile as you closed the door behind you "(Y/n)" Tanjiro called making you perk up with Nezuko still in your arms "Yes Onii-san?" You tilted your head as the bot just continued a closed eyed smile "Can you stay here for an hour or two?" Tanjiro asked as you sweatdropped before slowly shaking your head "sorry Onii-san..i'll have to make dinner in 15 minutes" you muttered as the boy just continued to muster a smile which was obviously fake from the aura in the room, you know the famous saying 'the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife?'yeah, that, you just mentaly gulped, not even knowing why Tanjiro just opened his eyes slightly filled with anger and disappointment "Then 15 minutes will do" Tanjiro simply responded, not giving you a chance to respond Nezuko shoved you in her seat and proceeded to sit on your lap, this seemed familiar, but you cant put your finger on it for some reason, it almost feels like it has been removed, you shrugged it off as always, but it always seemed to pop up in your head again,

¿What happened?

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