•Chapter 18•

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!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!
( Third person POV! )



Todays chapter is heavily inspired by MinYoonjiKirkland
So please check out their book if you havent!


You sighed, walking back to your building, yesterday was quite crazy as you almost broke a bone, and i mean an actual bone,

Your co-workers frequently asked if you were okay seemingly that you were quite stiff, you just shook them off saying it was just a close call,

And you bet Kagaya gave you a raise, well...he did actually, as you walked closer to your scheduled building, hekk, there's only around 5 more days until the test, if including this one then 4,

As you happily went through the gates, locking it as soon as you came in due to Kagaya's demand you went inside the building a quickly put your shoes off,

You calmly looked back to see no one downstairs, to your surprise, but it looked a bit more fixed- nevermind... the knives are still stuck to the pillar, you thought slightly sweatdropping,

You just let out another sigh before going back to the pillar, "How did it get so stuck in there..." you muttered to yourself, and gosh...they were REALLY stuck in there,

You looked at the pillar, almost unimpressed, "I'll have to call Susamaru later for this..." You took a mental note, but the females probably still having her morning training with her team, so you'll have to save that for later,

Just saying, Kagaya gave you permission to call anyone for help if the building was to much for you, dont worry,

But then again, Inosuke's clock is still broken... so that's...quite bad, since you said you'll look into it tomorrow, this IS tomorrow, what trouble...

You sweatdropped, as you heard footsteps come downstairs you Immediately looked at the stairs to see who it was,

What a surprise, it was-... Tanjiro...?, you noted, "Ah! (Y/n)! Zenitsu and i were looking for you! Can you come upstairs?" Tanjiro Immediately perked up, leaving you no time to greet the male as you just nodded,

"Oh, sure, of course" you smiled at the male as you walked up the stairs, quite quickly when Tanjiro pulled you up halfway, making you let out a small yelp, "Sorry! Its just that Inosuke is a bit out of character right now!" Tanjiro quickly apologized as you just looked at the male confused,

Out of character? You thought, wondering what that could be, of course you know what it actually means, you arent stupid, you're just wondering how,

As you reached the room Tanjiro quickly opened the door as your eyes met with A....rare scene i suppose? Zenitsu was asking Inosuke to fight whilst...Inosuke wasnt really in the mood i suppose...

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