•Chapter 19•

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!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!
( Third person POV! )



You hummed quietly as you made Flower crowns with Muichiro, it was a quiet morning and you had a pretty early shift, as you were requested at 6am, and it was quite a surprise to you that Muichiro was already awaken at this hour,

You continued to wield the flower crown as Muichiro slolwy peeked at yours in slight curiosity, as then it seems as if he realized something, "(Y/n)-san" Muichiro suddenly called out as you hummed in responce,

The male looked to his right to take a white flower from his patch, before turning back to you, "This flower would look good on the crown..."

Muichiro muttered handing you a flower from his side as you perked up, smiling slightly in response, "Well if you say so, im sure it does, Arigato Mui-san"

You smiled taking the flower from the males palm who seemed to have stiffened, making sure he heard right, the male decided to ask you directly, "W...What did you just call me...?" the airhead asked as you perked up again, fixing your gaze on the male,

"Mui-san? Do you not like it? I can revert back if you want" You simply smiled as the male shook his head, "No...Mui-san is fine, i like it" Muichiro shook his head turning back to his flower crown as you smiled, turning back to yours,

You just smiled, proceeding to put the flower in the crown whilst making it, and it does look nice, you thought, whilst you continued,

It may seem unprofessional to be so comfortable with your patients but really, in your own point of view, the more efficient way of helping people is letting them come to you,

You may seem laid back but this is just what you do to make sure their comfortable with you,

You know the cruel world, and you know spoiling them would do no good but make them feel weird once they get freed, not everyone is kind afterall,

Even japan is victimized to have rude people in it,


You smiled as (P/n) continued to story about how they think the outside world is,

They dont remember afterall..."And i also heard from Yukie that oceans are teal green and blue!they're also crystal clear!" (P/n) giggled in happiness as you continued listening,

"I just cant wait to get freed! Then i can visit everyone here and tell them about the outside world!" (P/n) smiled widely,

You just nodded in response, "Its beautiful, but its also a tragedy, (P/n)" you explained as the child widened their eyes slightly in confusion, "What do you mean?" (P/n) asked tilting their head to the side as you showed them a small, sad smile,

"The icebergs that you heard about, some are melting, the fresh air is polluted by smoke from factories... the environment Konera told about you is..filled in filth, the people that Rei told you about, some are pretty bad, and then... the oceans...some are grey and black, not all of them are crystal clear..."

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