•Chapter 20•

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!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!


( Third person POV! )




"Oh! And please dont forget to remind Muichiro to eat his vitamins! He's really forgetful!" You informed the caretaker who just laughed, "you seem like a mother y'know?"

The caretaker joked as you just smiled, "I get that alot...but also...if you see
Obanai in he garden...its best if you let him be before talking to him" you sheepishly smiled as the caretaker held up a thumbs up,

"Gotcha" The caretaker smiled as you let out a sigh of relief, "I'm glad" you responded as the caretaker nodded, "Now come on! I wanna atleast saw bye before I leave for the day" you smiled taking the males wrist, who was taken aback by the sudden action, but nevertheless followed you,

Your building was a few away so you just uncontrollably rambled about them on your way there, though the Male didnt seem bothered as he just listened to you talk,

It was only a 3-4 minute walk to it was no problem, as before you knew it, you were already there, "Ah! Here it is" you smiled as the Male looked at the building you gazed at,

It was slightly bigger then the others which the Male noticed as you let go of his hand to open the gates, you also passed on the keys to him in the process,

"Here! Just give it to Uka when you're done for the day" you smiled taking the males hand and dropping it on the palm of his hand, "Uka? Did they hire a new receptionist or something?"

The other caretaker perked up at the name as you shook your head, "Of course not! Umaki just called in sick a few days ago"

You explained as you both stepped on the front yard, you two proceeded to go into the building, only to get surprised by everyone already being downstairs,

"(Y/N)!" Daki yelled throwing herself to you as you slightly widened your eyes, hugging the female as you were frightened that she could fall, ignoring the fact you could have fallen aswell, "E-Eh? What's all this about?" You blinked in confusion as everyone grinned at your response,

"We just wanted to celebrate, Y'know..since it's only a few months away until your birthday," Tamayo smiled as everyone either nodded or silently agreed, you only sweatdropped in response,

Usually, you would be flattered, but...in this case...it was quite awkward, "(Y/n)-chan? Is something wrong?" Shinobu asked with her natural smile as you just sweatdropped again, "Yeah! We even prepared some cake to celebrate! We just couldnt wait"

Mitsuri added as you Immediately froze,

Oh dear...how're you going to tell them...you stiffened as the Male caretaker Immediately sweatdropped,

"D...Didnt Mui-San tell you...?" You awkwardly asked as everyone looked at you confused, hekk even Muichiro did,

Everyone slowly shook your head as you Immediately felt a wave of guilt splash you, "Oh..." you responded as Daki pulled back from the hug, only to seemingly notice something,

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