•Chapter 10•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!
( Third person POV )

Back to you...


You were now in the downstairs bathroom cleaning the blood of your 'Siblings'
With a worried expression

before hearing footsteps coming towards the opened door, you payed no mind,

Whilst the figure walked closer, close enough to see you cleaning the mop covered with blood of course, "Kamado-san, what are you doing"

a stern voice asked with a hint of hesitation as you looked back to see Muzan, one of your patients

"Ah Kibutsuji-san, its nothing, Nezuko and Onii-san just got blood splattered everywhere" you sighed out,

quite tiredly which Muzan searched your eyes to find nothing but the truth he just scoffed making you slightly turn your body to him in confusion,

"And you just let them kill like that? What a caretaker" Muzan sighed as you perked up a brow, "Kill? They said they fell on rocks..."

you muttered furrowing your eyebrows slightly which Muzan looked at you, suspiciously, not at you but at your siblings of course,

"There aren't any rocks here..." Muzan narrowed his eyes, you looked up at him, "Are you sure?"

You tilted your head, almost sure your siblings couldnt have lied "Are you saying im wrong?" Muzan sharpened his gaze making you slightly yelp,

to his amused expression he just chukled, "Keep being intresting Kamado-san, it'll pay off"

Muzan leaned in closer leaving your faces only 2 centimeters for a while apart simply stating a fact before leaning out and walking off amused leaving you confused,

"W...What just happened.." you muttered to yourself in utter confusion feeling your face getting slightly warmer,

You're face burned red before continuing to quickly wash the mop clean and the floor then walked out still red, which surprisingly,

Muzan noticed from the living room since the door was opened leaving him to silently chuckle, fortunately for you, you didnt notice

As you walked upstairs just taking a deep breath to atleast calm the massive blush on your face, your a charmer, yet, you get charmed pretty easily...

Well how ironic huh? You looked down at your feet before receiving a small bit of attention from Aoi who was just about to get a small snack for herself

"Kamado-san!" Aoi called as you perked up quickly recognizing the female you put on a smile "Kon'nichiwa Kanzaki-san-"

You smiled gently before being cut off, "You should go home Kamado-san!" Aoi crossed her arms which... everyone heard and thought she was kicking you out,

Everyone soon looked out their doors to see a confused (Y/n) and an Aoi "What?" you started again tilting you head slightly as Aoi sighed shaking her head

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