•Chapter 2•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!
( Third person POV)


"Naive" Muichiro bluntly stated making you blink, he said it so quickly you didnt even hear him "Sorry..what was that?" You asked smiling which Muichiro looked puzzled "I forgot" Muichiro looked to the ground making you giggle for a good second "Thats fine, it happens to the best of us" you shrugged closing the door behind you "Giyuu and Tokito correct?" You asked as they nodded "Great! As i already said My name is Kamado (Y/n) And since i'll be your new caretaker would you mind telling me about yourselves?" You smiled gently while Muichihiro perked up "Are you Tanjiro-san's little sister? He talks about you alot" Muichiro started which you nodded gently at "Correct! I am also the older sibling of Nezuko!" You continued making Giyuu perk up now "Nezuko? Shes a good friend of mine here" Giyuu muttered making you get taken aback before smiling "Im glad my siblings are getting along with someone other then myself! Thank you for being there for them if so!" You put your clipboard bellow your armpits before clasping your hands and slightly bowing as a sign of gratitude While both nodded "Oh right! You also used to have a sibling too correct Tokito-kun?" You exclaimed which The blackette Immediately nodded surprisingly exited "Mhm, he was the best" Muichiro nodded which you responded with an 'Im sure' surprising Muichiro slightly, the former caretakers would smile awkwardly once that was brought up, but you, you were smiling genuinely "And Giyuu-san too!" You turned your attention too the ravenette who too, perked up "Yes...i had a sister" Giyuu nodded, which you smiled lovingly at, (you were like Shinobu, except there were times you wouldnt smile with is 30% of the time) "Im sure she was kind aswell," You stated which Giyuu nodded "Water is also an intresting element dont you agree? I heard it was the most soothing one, and Tokito, you liked mist? I can bring a diffuser next time! Just tell me your favorite scent aswell" You continued as the two were speechless...absolutely speechless...making you confused as silence filled the air before Muichiro spoke up "I think my brother liked Lavender..." He muttered as you took a mental note "I see, great choice, its a very calming scent! I'll bring it to you tomorrow! Im sure its okay as long as its not harmful" You continued as Muichiro nodded "And Giyuu-san! Would you like a Water rose? Its not really water, its made out of clear plastics that look like crystals! I made it when i was a kid" you continued turning your gaze towards the ravenette who stiffened while Muichiro was still dazed before Giyuu slowly nodded making your gentle smile turn a tad bit wider "I see! I'll give it to you tomorrow" You continued before looking at the clock, you've already spent 15 minutes here as you sighed "Ahh...i need to go greet myself to everyone else now, just press the button right there if you need my help with anything" you smiled before walking out leaving two sibling obsessed sadist's dazed, as you closed the door behind you before accidentally bumping into someone, it wasnt you being blind its just..they were right, infront of the door as you yelped covering your nose before opening your eyes to see who it was- oh- their taller then you, as you blinked a few times before looking up too see angry lavender eyes....making you flinch slightly before softening your gaze, it was only on of your patients "What the he/l are you trying to do? Win us over with gifts?" The voice asked as you blinked in pure confusion before realizing what the figure meant "Ah, thats a good accusation but no...i just read their Information pages and remembered the stuff i didnt need at home...i was going to donate them soon but i guess i decided to donate them here instead" You smiled slightly still rubbing your nose which the figure tch-ed "As if i would believe that..." The figure continued- really, he believed you, but is to much of a tsundere to admit he was wrong, "Thats fine...i dont expect anyone too believe everyone i say, i just came here" you chuckled gently before taking out your clipboard looking at the figure, white hair, lavender eyes, somewhat kinda pale skin and alot of scar's, you took a mental note before flipping through the information page's before your eyes landed on the patient "Shinazugawa..." you muttered gaining his attention slightly, he was still standing infront of you which was...weird...as you continued to read, Shinazugawa Sanemi... got sent here because he went crazy after almost every one of his siblings got killed, his remaining sibling Shinazugawa Genya is actually in this building because he went crazy after being locked in the basement, the boy didnt get rough treatment really, Sanemi took care of him gave him food and care but never let him go outside the basement, he's crazy because Genys was the only sibling he had left, so he started acting crazier and crazier by day, never inflicted any harm towards anyone but is mentally broken and needs help with his obsession Problem, as your eyes softened at the paper which Sanemi noticed "What? Are you going to call me a monster or something?" Sanemi huffed, really, he was hurt everytime that happened but had no choice but to endure it which you noticed aswell before tip-towing to pat his head which you atleast caressed 3 times before being pushed off by his other hand "The he/l?!-" Sanemi yelled before getting cut off by your innocent smile "It wasnt your fault, i wont call you a monster, im sure you just wanted to protect him, not hurt him, you did nothing wrong" you smiled reassuringly, it wasnt some pity smile, it was a genuine one, almost as if you understood why he did it

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