•Chapter 14•

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What happens when (Y/n) has a quick shift

!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!( Third person POV)


Back to you!
The very next day at the care center . . .



Silence filled the air as you looked at the holes in the walls with an unimpressed look on your face, you let out a dissapointed coated sigh

While everyone behind you sweatdropped you slowly turned back to see some nervous faces, except for Inosuke,as he still doesnt know what he did wrong,

You sighed in slight dissapointment, you had only been gone for less then 24 hours, and this had already happened, "Who in the world did this"

You muttered in an unimpressed voice as Inosuke proudly put his hand up, sparkles visible everywhere,
You sighed again, in slight frustration,

"Inosuke...dear you dont do this okay?" You looked up at the male who just looked back at you confused, whilst everyone looked quite shocked at what you had just called the male,

"What? Why?" Inosuke asked you, actually deadass confused, you mentally grumbled, "Inosuke, im going to ask you something alright?" You crossed your arms peaking the males intrest as he looked at you awaiting his question,

"If someone stole and ate your tempura, what would you do?" You asked, and for goodness sakes your more like a babysitter then an care center caretaker, a prison caretaker at that,

As Inosuke Immediately perked up, looking quite mad through his boar mask which was intresting since this was just a question-

"Fight them!" Inosuke yelled (and interrupted the writting) as you just smiled, "And think about it, Ubayashiki-san spent alot of money on this building, and you practically ruined a wall, isnt Ubayashiki-san going to be disappointed?"

You slightly tilted your head with a small smile whilst Inosuke looked taken aback, standing silent, silence filled the air before Inosuke finally decided to speak up "I-I'll fix the wall!"

Inosuke declared as you smiled in satisfaction, "Great! I'll help" you smiled,

Which Aoi just looked... shocked and defeated at, and Kanao fortunately realized as the young female grew slightly curious and worried for her friend,

"Is something wrong Aoi-san?" Kanao asked which Aoi Immediately snapped out of her trances and cleared her throat, "It's nothing Kanao, its just that i didnt think it would be that easy..."

Aoi muttered as Kanao looked at her, with no expression whatsoever, "i cant blame you, i didnt know Inosuke-san had to be treated as a child to make him understand aswell"

Kanao hummed looking back infront, "i'll help to
(Y/n)-Chan!" Zenitsu declared, turning into a ghost as you gave the male a small thanks,


Just a few hours later

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