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Hey! Please read!

It's not that I'm lazy it's just that this doesnt feel right to me y'know? I'm good at writing fluff and slight comedy but I feel like I suck at Yandere's...

Soo...I'm just going to tell you all everything here,

•Shinobu was the one who killed (P/n), she has the flower pin in her drawer,

•You found out after asking her about it when she wore it,

•you basically had a breakdown and Immediately quit, not because you were scared or disgusted, but because being in the same room as the person who killed (P/n) broke your soul,

•So then, the building went absolutely crazy without you there, and Kagaya tried to convince you to try it out again,

•You came back, this time with assistance, and hekk were they different...

•Scared to displease you, scared everytime you would leave, terrified if they would scare you off again,

•The obsession started growing and growing and so on,

°Small 'did you know's?'°

•The care center is actually a semi-jail, which is why Genya, Obanai and Nakime share a room together,

•If you noticed, Obanai and Genya are both traumatized and Nakime didnt tell anyone anything because her canon information says 'Does not say anything if not needed'

•Which for me is she doesnt say anything that isnt needed towards herself, meaning her past is unneeded,

•So that's why they cant go outside their room until 4pm, because the others, have committed crimes, but because Kagaya Trusts you as a caretaker, he let's this slide,

•You're mentally unstable, but your dedication towards your work and determination towards pleasing everyone disguises it,


Again, this doesnt mean I dont wanna continue, I do but I cant seem to find the spark that let's me continue,

So I'll leave it to all to  your imagination instead,

Whilst I write something unrelated to Yandere's, that'll hopefully peak my intrest enough to finish,

I know it was only 19-20 chapters but they were all 2000-3000 word chapters so I hope that makes up for it,

I hope you enjoy your stay at the Chaos village and will hopefully come again,



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