•Chapter 5•

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!UsageCrisis speaking!
( Third person POV )
You were still looking and skimming through the papers in confusion, just what happened? You thought, but in the end you did a bad choice of ignoring as you put the clipboard off putting it below your armpit before knocking on the door "Come in." A stern voice responded not so long later as you sweatdropped opening the door to see a person with...very long hair and another one with plum red eyes, very unique looks but you decided to smile, well not exactly since it was on instinct "Hello, my name is Kamado (Y/n) and i'll be your new caretaker from now on" you smiled as both men just stared at you, you watched in confusion on whether or not they'll answer
Before one slightly cleared their throat making you perk up "Im Kibutsuji Muzan and this is Kokushibo, its a pleasure to meet you Kamado-san" The one which you learned was 'Muzan' interurted the silence as you just smiled thanking him " the Pleasure is all mine Kibutsuji-san, and its a pleasure to meet you aswell Kokushibo-san" you greeted slightly bowing since it seems like these two are a bit more formal then others While the man with long hair just nodded slightly averting his eyes from your figure "Well...if you don't mind can i ask if you have any subjects you would like to avoid?" You asked innocently not wanting to pull up a subject that might offend them "Wouldnt you know after reading that clipboard of yours?" Muzan asked perking a brow as you smiled with a slight mix of nervousness and awkwardness "Well...for some reason i couldnt find any information about you both..." you pulled out your clipboard skimming through the pages infront of them to prove that you indeed, do not have any information about them as both roommates looked in suspicion before nodding in an understanding nature "Ah, that is very weird" Muzan sweatdropped, he had a slight feeling this was an action caused by the Kamado siblings "Mhm, so do you two have any?" You asked which Kokushibo nodded which you just stood at as if signaling if it was okay to ask, which you were, and fortunately for you these two understood what you wanted "I would prefer to not talk about my family" Kokushibo looked the other way well...to a wall actually "And i dont exactly like talking about my past" Muzan hummed as you smiled writing it down on a blank piece of paper right behind all the information pages "alright, i'll try my best to remember that" You nodded which was...surprisingly kind of you as both just tried to hide their slight shock "and...there!" You smiled brightly after writing the new information down "Now... since i still have a few hours would you like to have a chat?"
You asked looking up from your clipboard which you three did have a nice chat surprisingly And both Kokushibo and Kibutsuji opened up to you just slightly which you took as a win, you did used to have a therapy job so it came in handy at these times especially when you didnt even know what to do at your first times in the therapy job, you were so used to being gentle and calm with patients that it dawned on you alot more then it should have to begin with
Time skip!
You were still talking with the two before seeing the clock, 1 and a half hours before the door opens you perked your eyes up before lurking them back towards the two smiling "Ah! I better go, but if any of you need anything feel free to press that button over there!" You chirped standing up as both just nodded in understandment you bid your quick farewell before walking  out, wondering why the siblings were acting scared, they both seemed pretty nice, but unbeknownst to you the amount of people the sent into the care center...you walked out closing the door behind you only to be enveloped into a hug by Nezuko "Onee-chan! You should have told us you went into this room!" Nezuko whined hugging you tighter as you blinked in confusion both arms slightly up as Tanjiro looked at you...in dissapointment? "This room is really Dangerous (Y/n), What were you thinking?!" Tanjiro slightly scolded you which was very rare as you blinked more in confusion pulling your arms back down gently hugging Nezuko back  "What do you mean?" You asked tilting your head as Tanjiro looked at you slightly taken aback while Nezuko looked up in slight shock "Why are you guys looking at me like that? Im fine see?" You smiled confusedly scratching your cheek as both siblings looked at you as Tanjiro just let out a sigh signaling relief, "Thank gosh..." Tanjiro sighed out rubbing his temple as you sweatdropped still confused "Wha?-" "Nothing! Nothing" Tanjiro shook his hands around turning back to his kind smile as you just stared a bit confused still before complying and smiling back "We should go catch up Onee-chan! Lets go downstairs!" Nezuko giggled bringing you along by wrist to go to the living room downstairs as Tanjiro smiled yelling a wait up then rushing towards both your sides "N-Nezu!" You yelped before bursting into light giggles following along, as you both ran downstairs, walking past the room that was still locked not knowing who was listening in on you three

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