•Chapter 13•

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!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!
( Third person POV )


Back to you!


You woke up, slowly fluttering your eyes open feeling quite tired you groaned sitting back up,

You flatly(another word for tiredly btw) rubbed your eyes, as you just sighed standing up, and for a split second you could have swore you saw a demon in the room as you flinched,

But that was before you realised it was just you with your bed hair..., you blinked in confusion and shock as you realized it was you, you just sweatdropped,

"Is my bed hair...really this bad every time i wake up...?" you muttered walking closer to your vanity in confusion,

But in fact, no, it wasnt your usual bed hair, your bed hair wasnt wild at all, it was more mild then that which you just sighed at, sitting down on the stool before beginning to brush your hair again,

But yet you pondered what had happened to your hair as you untangled the loose ends, very...very painfully,

As you finished you looked at the mirror unimpressed with the fact your hair could only do so much pain to your scalp you decided to check the time,

"6pm already...?" You blinked in shock, you didn't know you took a nap for that long, it would usually be an hour or less, but the best part is that you recovered most of the energy you lost,

You stood up from the stool, atleast your hair is tamed now, unlike the abomination of hair you had a minute ago,

You turned away going outside the small room, opening the door to see Susamaru and Yahaba still here making you slightly shocked,

Well...not really since they used to always stay over for dinner you just gave them a smile, even if...they didnt notice you just yet,

"Susamaru, Yahaba, you both are still here?" You spoke in a slightly raspy voice, gaining both of their attention,

"Ohhhh! You're awake already!" Susamaru formed a closed eyed smile as Yahaba just looked at you before turning back to the table,

"I wouldn't say already" you sweatdropped, seemingly wanting to continue Susamaru just patiently looked at you, "it was a pretty long nap, but are you guys staying for dinner?"

You smiled, waiting for a response, but lucky for you, you didnt have to wait long "Yes we are" Yahaba responded as Susamaru Immediately snapped her neck back, moving her gaze towards Yahaba,

"I was just about to say that" Susamaru grumbled as you just watched in amusement, yes, Susamaru's 21 but she'll never fail her inner child,

"Alright, i'll cook the usual then?" You asked which both just nodded in response, except for Yahaba, "Yes, but please drink some water, you sound like a dying seal"

Yahaba hummed as Susamaru juct hid her face in the couch attempting to quieten her chuckle,

Fun fact! This was the main reason for your patience, as you nodded,

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