•Chapter 4•[Hugs?]

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!UsageCrisis speaking!
( Third person POV )

You slowly closed the door behind you not wanting to wake Daiki up then moved onto the next room, 'Aoi and Kanao' you thought, before opening your clip board again Aoi and Kanao, they didnt do much,Both had the same info, Both girls helped Shinobu with her crimes willingly to be honest they begged her, just to be safe they both had a test to see if their sane, as much as they tried they really werent, Thus they were send here, You read slightly out loud, "They arent that bad..." you muttered "Actually their not bad at all, why are they even in here?" You spoke to yourself a little louder looking quite puzzled before realizing they could hear you, you sweatdroped before knocking on the door hearing a faint come in, probably a small mutter as you opened the door to see two girls your age, one with a side pony tail an one with pigtails, you took a mental image before deciding to introduce yourself, "Hello! My name is Kamado (Y/n), your care taker from now on" you formed a closed eyed gentle smile trying to make a good first impression "Kamado..? Are you that sister those Kamado siblings always talk about?" The girl with pigtails asked which made you open your eyes in surprise before smiling again "Well...i suppose i am" you nodded coming in then closing the door behind you "I see, im Kanzaki Aoi, very nice to meet you" The girl named Aoi slightly bowed down as you shook your hand politely as a signal it was not necessary "And im guessing his is Tsuyuri Kanao?" You asked looking at the girl, she was... very organized as you saw her table as the girl pulled out a coin to flip it, then nodding making you more confused "ah... i see, so im guessing you both admire Kocho-san?" You asked as they both perked up Which Aoi nodded, the room went silent, it was...quite awkward so you decided to try and talk to them later on "I see...well then, im sure you've heard this plenty of times but if you ever need me dont be afraid to ever push that button, i'll be with you shortly if so" you smiled as Aoi nodded which Kanao flipped her coin again "Okay" the girl shortly responded as you smiled kindly once again before exiting the room closing the door behind you 'Well that was awkward...'you thought sweatdropping as you moved on to the next room, yet again reading the iron palate, Douma and Akaza, you mumbled looking down at your clipboard, you saw a person named Douma on your clip board earlier thus you flipped the pages into the front page Douma, he is here for his love for blood red flowers, he has a passion as big as the world for them and still does, yet...he wanted a more...natural color so he killed many and many, he did not enjoy them at all...never once yet, he wanted to see his flowers bloom in such a color, you thought reading through it, it creeped you out a little yes but you were quite amazed as you soon snapped out of your trance realizing you had to find 'Akaza' aswell as then flipping more pages until the end of the clipboard to see a perfect fit, Akaza(im running out of ideas...) is here because of his following towards a person named Muzan, his loyalty was very much tight, he even killed anyone who 'dared' to breath in the same room as him if it was not one of his other servants, of course he got caught in an order of Muzan and was sent here, even so he was quite furious not at the man but at the people that caught him, you finished, you didnt really realize you were muttering, well you were stunned, you respect him for his loyalty thats for sure, as you soon yet again snapped out of your thoughts before clearing your throat then proceeding to knock, no answer once again as you sweatdropped "Im coming in..." you muttered through the door opening it to see two pairs of eyes intensely staring at you which was...intresting "Is that the Caretaker Gyuutaro told us about a few minutes ago?" A person with rainbow eyes asked as the one with pink hair nodded "Seemingly yes, she even has the (H/l) (H/c) hair Gyuutaro told us about" the one with pink hair responded which you tilted your head slightly at "Well then! I suppose he was right! This person really is pretty!" Douma smiled which Akaza continued to look at him unimpressed while you just smiled "Wahh! Thank you then, My name is Kamado (Y/n) and i'll be your caretaker from now on" You smiled getting both of their attention as Doma's mouth opened to say something before Akaza covered it shut with his hand "Welcome Kamado-san, thank you for taking care of us" Akaza slightly bowed his head down which you just bowed slightly back "Thank you! And you must be Akaza correct?" You smiled happily which he nodded "Yes, and this idiot is Doma, but dont mind him...he's.. a womanizer..." Akaza turned his gaze towards the rainbow eye coloured (demon) which his gaze turned completely unimpressed which Doma took his hand of his mouth "Dont say such weird things Akaza-dono!" Doma pouted which Akaza continued to look at him unimpressed "Im just trying to warn Kamado-san" Akaza shrugged pulling his hands back "Just (Y/n) is fine" you politely shook your hand which Akaza just nodded at muttering a small sorry "And i dont really mind Doma-san being a womanizer" you smiled which Akaza Immediately looked at you confused while Doma had a surprised expression "My job isnt to change anyones personality after all, its only to take care of them until they get better, so even if Doma-san is a womanizer i wont look at him with any of less value" you explained smiling which both just looked at you confused, Very confused most woman caretakers would just look nervous like Doma would do anything to them, after meeting the kamado twins first they would most definitely twist up their mind and get scared at anything bad after all... "Wait really?" Akaza looked at you confused while Doma just looked happy and threw himself at you "Then we'll get along just well (Y/n)-Dono!" Doma happily chirped which you just slightly chuckled at "I hope so" you smiled back slightly patting his head Before Akaza ripped doma off of you "Ask permission first you idiot" Akaza bluntly spoke making Doma slightly pout again "But she was fine with ittttt" Doma spoke with slight whine in his tone as you sweatdropped, these two...really are opposites aren't they? "Would you like a hug too Akaza-san?" You asked teasingly trying to stop them from fighting which Akaza looked at you surprised "Wha...?" Akaza asked again which you slightly opened your arms "Would you like a hug aswell?" You asked again smiling which Akaza looked at you before shyly looking away with a small blush from embarrassment from what you just said "I suppose so...if you want too" Akaza mumbled which you chuckled slightly at enveloping Akaza in a small hug Who was... very stiff, while you just slightly laughed seeing as Douma wanted to join aswell "You can join aswell Doma" you reashurred which he took the words seriously and Immediately hugged the both of you ignoring Akaza's distress which you three stayed like that for a whole minute before you squirmed signalling you wanted to let go which Dona Immediately backed away while you still had a smile plastered in your face As you let out a small chuckle "for a fight breaker, that was pretty awkward, and weird to" you added which Akaza just looked away from you with a red face, probably from embarrassment "Well...i guess i do have to agree on that one" Doma chuckled along with you (tbh i ran out of ideas so i hope you dont mind this being kinda cringe and bad...) "Mhm, though i should better go to the other room now, i only have one more to go" You smiled which Doma looked kinda upset, but fortunately for him you noticed "Nee~ dont worry you can press the button over there when you need me and i'll be here shortly-" you smiled before hearing a small bell sound from Gyuutaro and Daiki's room "Ah... i just left a few minutes ago.." You sweatdropped before smiling again "Well i better go now, have a nice rest of the day Doma-san, Akaza-san" you happily waved walking out of the room closing the door behind you before walking back too the siblings room (i just remembered Gyuutaro's hair is actually black to green so im sorry if i got that wrong last chapter)
"She wasnt so bad now was she Akaza-Dono?" Doma smiled towards his roommate who just looked the other way with a redder face making doma stunned before going back to smilling "Dont tell me your catching feelings so fast Akaza-dono~" Doma chuckled as Akaza was quick to deny "No, i just respect and admire Kama- (Y/n)-san that she was nice enough to accept you as her patient with no hesitation" Akaza denied as Doma just chuckled again "Whatever you say Akaza-Dono~" "Im serious"
As you slightly rushed towards the door only a few feet away, you stopped for a bit before putting your hand on the doorknob turning it to open the door "hm?" You hummed before Seeing Daiki lunge towards you "Hey! You told me you wouldnt leave!" Daiki huffed as you Immediately put your hands on her waist in instinct as you sweatdropped looking up to see Gyuutaro beside the button "Sorry, i know you were working, i tried to stop her" Gyuutaro looked the other way as you just chuckled "its alright, and Sorry Daiki, i had to introduce myself to the last 3 rooms" you laughed as Daiki just huffed digging her face into your next as you smiled taking up one hand before putting it on top of her hair "Gomen gomen..." you sweatdropped as you swore you saw Gyuutaro glance at you but you shook it off "You better be sorry!" Daiki yell- well... muffled into your neck tickling you as you laughed "Daiki... that tickles now let me go" you sweatdropped again as Daiki just shook her head as a no, "Daiki come on...Kamado-san has work to do...you can cling onto her later..." Gyuutaro tried to convince his little sister which...did not work "Alright Daiki...how about we spend time later?" You asked which she still shook her head (this is a bit ooc but oh well-) "Alright... hm....how about i give you some of my hair clips? You told me you liked them earlier right?" You asked pointing to your multiple clips in your hair, your hair is really thick so you use hairclips to contain them which Daiki hesitantly let you go as you smiled "Alright, just wait a second" you hummed taking two of your hair clips off then taking Daiki's hand putring them on the palm of her hand "Here" you simply closed her hand which she just smiled slightly "Thank you" Daiki hummed, after crying Daiki would act a little calmer and clingy, that you learned with Gyuutaro as you smiled back happily "Well! I should probably introduce myself to the last door!" You clasped you hand a bit exitedly while Daiki and Gyuutaro just Immediately look at you as if they were struck with lightning...(eheh...) "Already...?" Gyuutaru muttered, as Daiki look at you slightly worried "Hm? Whats wrong?" You asked as they both just mentally gulped "Its nothing! Goodluck with him!" Daiki Immediately yelled before running inside the room making you confused as you tilt your head to the side "dont mind her, but goodluck aswell" Gyuutaro nodded before closing the door making you stunned, what just happened? You asked yourself before shrugging it off as the hallways went quiet you just snapped out of your trance before just deciding to continue your job you walked back to the end of the hallway towards the last door you read the iron plate, Kokushibo, and Muzan Kibutsuji, you read, a bit confused why the last name was full as you hummed thinking it was nothing you started to run your fingers through the pages, landing on Kokushibo's on the second to last page, it was... blank, you looked at the paper over and over again confused on why it was blank, you even rubbed your eye, maybe they were in a rush and forgot to fill this in? You thought not minding it as you flipped the pages of the clipboard again to find Muzan's, there were...none... you sweatdropped once again, again maybe they were in a rush? You looked at the paper confused
As you looked at the papers for a good 10 seconds in confusion,

Unbeknownst to you, your siblings burned that specific paper just a few ago,

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