•Chapter 16•

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= Due to my cousins request i will have to make a full on Daki and Gyuutaro chapter today, so if you dislike these chatacters please move onto the next chapter

!uX_Sphinx_Xu speaking!
( Third person POV! )

Back to you and yourself


You closed the glass door before walking to your assigned Building, you happily skipped the way there, as then you took out the keys to the gates of the building,

Unlocking it before of course locking it once again you happily walked over to the building, opening the door to the building you also quickly took of your shoes and put them on the wooden rack,

You smiled standing back up straight, Seemingly to have caught some attention of some certain patients in the process,

"(Y/N)!" Daki chirped (not literally) running towards you before enveloping you in a tight hug which you were not ready for, thus you almost fell down, but luckily you had your right foot stop yourself from falling just in time,

You chuckled quietly which Daki can tell from your slight fidgeting you hugged back, not in the same strength of course,

And im not saying you arent strong or anything, its just that you cant really hug someone that tight when they they had just squeezed the air out of your lungs can you?

You smiled before patting the Females shoulder, signalling that she's hugging to tight the female Immediately pulled back smiling,

"You're back!" Daki stated the obvious as you nodded, intending to catch your breath you gave the the white to greenette a small head pat,

"Awe come on, i wasnt gone for that long was i?" You smiled before coming in as Daki followed you from behind,

"But where are all the others?" You asked again as Daki shrugged, "They're probably doing their own thing, i could care less though"

Daki mumbled the last one which you fortunately didnt hear as you put your bag on the table "Mhm, and why didnt i hear anything about a test?"

You asked again making Daki stiffen almost Immediately after you said that, you got no response even after seconds which was quite uncharacteristic making you perk a brow up as you turned your head towards the females direction to see Daki in a frozen state,

"Daki...?" You slowly asked, confused on why the female is acting this way you stood quiet waiting for an answer that was not given,

Soon enough You moved your full body to the female, who was yet to unfreeze from.her state, "Hello...?" You asked again, no response as you soon grew more curious and confused,

"Is it something i said?" You asked again as Daki still stood quiet you sighed, giving up, you took the females wrist, who luckily, wasnt frozen to the ground you took her to the couch to sit her down,

since You cant really let her stand outside the door, as for one, it was cold and two, she could grow tired which is quite unhealthy if you dont realize it you went to the kitchen to grab Daki some water, also hoping that once you came back she would have atleast snapped out of her trances,

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