UFO No You Didn't

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Action, 18 teenagers settled down in an abandoned movie lot. Three teams were formed and given names, but since one team had a name that was not original they were put up for elimination. In a shocking twists two campers were sent home. Mr. and Miss kiss a lot, also known as Greninja and Delphox got the boot for doing pretty much nothing. What challenges will today's movie/TV genre bring? Who will be getting the boot next? Only one way to find out. Keep watch Total...Drama...Pokemon!!!

(Theme song; cafeteria)

Vaporeon: I can't believe we're already down two members! We don't stand a chance!

Togetic: Yeah. Now we only have FOUR-etress people on our team.

Kirlia: You're right. I'm switching teams.

Vaporeon: What?! You can't just do that!

Kirlia: Says who?

Victini: Says me. Sorry, but unless somebody else on another team is willing to switch, then-

Kirlia: Cubone switch teams with me!

Cubone: (shakes head)

Kirlia: What's that? I can't hear you, sorry.

Cubone: (glares at Kirlia)

Kirlia: Just speak up and tell me if you don't want to, otherwise your switching.

Cubone: ...

Victini: Well then I guess it's official. Kirlia, you are now on Team Original. And Cubone you are now on The Majestic Magikarps.

Cubone: (frowns)

Kirlia: Yay! I now get to be on the same team as my cute little sweetheart, Litten.

Litten: I'd like to switch teams too!

Victini: Sorry, only one team switch per season.

Litten: What!? Says who?

Victini: Me. Now challenge time!

Pichu: Already! Yippee!

Victini: Today's movie genre is guy in a coma movie.

Zorua: Excuse me?

Victini: Oh sorry, I meant today's genre is alien movies. OH LOOK ITS A UFO! (points)

Pichu: Yeah right, there's no way that's a real UFO.

(UFO sucks up Litten)

Pichu: Okay so maybe that's a real UFO.

Kirlia: NO!!! LITTEN!

Victini: You're challenge is to run from the UFO. You have five minutes to hide. The first team to have all members of their team captured are up for elimination! Go!

Kirlia: I can't believe this. My first challenge on Litten's team and he gets abducted by aliens! (Cries)

Vaporeon: Alright Majestic Magikarp, where should we go?

Flareon: Let's go to the mall!

Vaporeon: We can't.

Flareon: Oh my gosh, you're so mean.

Vaporeon: What.

Togetic: Why don't we we just stay in our trailers. The UFO won't be able to abduct us if we're inside.

Vaporeon: Wow. You just said two whole sentences without making a stupid joke. Also, good idea. Let's do it.

(Majestic Magikarps hide in trailer)

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