Net Pains

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Victini: Previously, on Total Drama Pokémon each team had to send two campers to showcase their talents, and let's just say, they're not very talented. I also brought Vaporeon back for a bit...and then sent her home. In the end Team Victini is Really, Really, Really, Really hot lost for the first time and voted off Zorua only for it to be revealed that they actually voted her onto the opposing team! Is Team Original gonna hate their new team member as much as everyone else does? Hopefully. Find out what happens next, right here on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; Team Original trailer; male side)

Pikachu: (wakes up and yawns) Good morning!

(Crickets chirp)

Pikachu: Oh, that's right, Litten's gone.

Pikachu: I miss the guy, don't get me wrong, but man is it nice to have some peace and quiet for once. Though I do feel bad that the girls have to deal with Little Miss Cries-a-Lot.

(Team Original trailer; Girl's side)

Minccino: (wakes up) Huh? No crying this morning?

Kirlia: Why would I be crying?

Minccino: Well, Litten's been gone and you've been upset.

Kirlia: Litten isn't gone. He's right here! (Hugs a Litten plushie)

Minccino: Did you make that!?

Kirlia: I spent all night making it to convince myself he was still here, and it's working! EEEEE! (Squeezes it)

Zorua: Wow. You're even crazier than I gave you credit for.

Kirlia: Yeah, I'm crazy! Crazy in love!

Minccino: (sighs)

Boltund: Why are we out here so early? We haven't even had breakfast yet!

Pikachu: I could honestly do without that.

Victini: I am taking you someplace special. The twelve of you are going on a trip to The Temple of Doom. (Points to temple)

Zorua: (sarcasm) Wow, real creative.

Flareon: Where did that even come from.

Victini: In today's adventure movie challenge you will explore this large temple in search of one of the three golden totems. But be warned, there are booby traps.

Pichu: Haha, you said booby.

Victini: The last team to bring back a totem will be sending a camper home. For realsies this time. Go!

Pikachu: I think we should split up in groups. That way we can explore more of the temple.

Kirlia: Great idea. Minccino and Eevee can go together, and so can me and Litten.

Pikachu: So that leaves me with Zorua. Um thanks.

Zorua: Hey, it was your idea.

Pikachu: Can you just like not talk for a hundred years.

Kirlia: I'm heading to the temple! Bye! This is gonna be so much fun, Litten! EEEEE!!! (Leaves)

Zorua: That girl has issues.

Pikachu: I'm sorry, has it been a hundred years yet?


Kirlia: Litten, is it okay if I take a little nap? I was up all night!


Kirlia: I'll take that as a yes. Man, you sure are quiet. (Yawns) Good night. (Falls asleep)

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