Falling Heroes

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Action, we held the first ever TDP court case. Team Original served as the jury, questioning The Cool S one by one to tell their story on the crime scene where Pichu's gift was stolen. In the end we find out that Pichu stole his own gift and purposely got the other team to lose. He also revealed a huge secret, that he looked like a kid but was lying about his age this whole time. Will this reveal lead to the remaining campers to vote him out? Find out right here on Total...Drama...POKEMON!!!

(Theme song; Cafeteria)

Minccino: (sighs)

Pikachu: It'll be okay, Minccino.

Minccino: You know, ever since the UFO challenge, I kinda feel maybe a little connection to Pikachu. I know I shouldn't but I do, especially since Eevee's been acting up a little bit lately. I don't know though, it just feels wrong.

Kirlia: It's okay Minccino. I know how it is to just have the love of your life taken away from you and never come back!

Pikachu: Litten doesn't love you.

Kirlia: HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! (Kicks him)

Victini: As entertaining as that was, it's time to start today's challenge. Meet me outside.

Vaporeon: I feel like these challenges start earlier and earlier every episode.

Victini: Yeah, they do. Now follow me because I have a huge announcement. Follow me.


Flareon: Um, why is there a bomb?

Victini: Well, I'm running low on ideas because budget, so I asked our fans for challenging ideas. So this challenge idea was made by TheTheoryFroakie2, but first, we're temporarily shuffling the teams. One team will have the villains, and the other teams will have the heroes.

Pikachu: This is great! Now I don't have to be stuck with Kirlia. Unless Victini somehow considers her a hero. (Laughs)

Victini: Minccino, Flareon, Cubone and Boltund, you are on the heroes team.

Boltund: What!? I don't wanna be a lame-o hero!

Pikachu: Wait then that means-

Victini: Pichu, Pikachu, Kirlia, and Vaporeon, you are on the villains team.

Pikachu: Uh, how am I a villain?

Victini: I don't know. I just based this off of Eevee's online niceness chart.

Vaporeon: This is great! I am going to be the pretty villain that the audience loves to hate.

Victini: The challenge has to deal with this bomb you see here. This week's superhero movie challenge will see the heroes making their way through an obstacle course. If they can make it before the ten minute timer runs out on the bomb, then they win.

Flareon: This isn't a real bomb is it?

Victini: For legal reasons it's not real.

Pichu: So what do we do? 

Victini: The villains get the fun part. As the heroes make their way through the course, the four of you get to fire balls at them to slow them down. Originally I put baseballs in the ball gun, but apparently the producers thought that would be too violent for some reason, so I had to downgrade to golf balls. Do be warned, you have limited ammo.

Pikachu: I don't wanna hurt any of them.

Vaporeon: Well suck it up, and do it.

Victini: Your challenge begins...NOW!

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