TDP Aftermath II: Sibling Rivalry

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(Aftermath intro)

Victini: Hello and welcome to the second installment of TDP Aftermath. I am your handsome host Victini and tonight we'll be talking to three of guest stars who got eliminated this week. Introducing Litten, Meowth, and Jolteon.

Jolteon: Hey guys, I'm feeling much better after that cake incident.

Victini: Good to hear, but I don't really care.

Snivy: Litten, you got eliminated?

Litten: Yeah.

Snivy: It's okay, I'm just glad you're back.

Meowth: I'm back too!

Victini: Now that you're all here, let's play a little game!

Jolteon: Ooh! I love games! This is gonna be fun!

Vaporeon: Jolteon, shut up. No one wants to play your dumb games Victini.

Victini: What if I told you there was a prize?

(Crickets chirp)

Greninja: Well what's the prize?

Victini: The prize is a second chance at the million.

(Everyone gasps)

Victini: That's right. Whoever wins this challenge earns themselves a free ticket back onto the show. Here's how it works. Notice the large game board on the floor?

Delphox: Yeah, who didn't notice that?

Victini: Well there are twelve tiles on it. Roll a die and whatever square you land on will determine your challenge. Six tiles are challenge tiles meaning you have to do a mine version of a challenge that took place in the show's first eleven episodes. The other six are contestant tiles meaning you have to do a dare sent in by one of the ten remaining campers. Any questions?

Togetic: Did you hear about the guy who went to jail for stealing a calendar? He got twelve months. Get it?

Victini: I'm just going to ignore that. Also I forgot to mention that there is one tile in each row that it is booby trapped so be careful. And yes Jolteon, I said booby, don't laugh.

Jolteon: I can't help it. Hehe.

Victini: (sighs) You all take turns in order of elimination. Go.

Delphox: (Rolls die) Three. (Lands on challenge square).

Victini: Delphox, all you have to for this challenge is chase down an intern holding a grab of cash in under 30 seconds. Go!

Delphox: (Chases intern and Grabs bag) Got ya.

Victini: Nice. That was quick. Greninja your turn. 

Greninja: I better get a good number, or else! (Rolls die and gets a 4) Eh. (Walks over four squares and falls into a trap door)

Victini: Looks like Greninja found my booby trap.

Delphox: Yes! 

Jolteon: Wait, you wanted that to happen?

Delphox: Honestly yeah. That's why I want to win so bad. He never leaves me alone. When I first met Greninja, he was sweet, but as time went on all he did was kiss. I tried breaking up with him, but he just cried for days. He's way too clingy, and a complete psychopath.

Snivy: So basically Kirlia but worse?

Delphox: I want to get back on this show just to get away from him.

Snivy: I see. Well then I forfeit this. Good luck Delphox! I don't want to go back that badly anyways. I already won once. And I'm sure Litten won't care either, will you Litten?

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