Rude Switcheroo

87 3 19

Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, the teams had to unlock a safe containing one of their teammates. At least they were supposed to. After that the teams robbed a bank and raced away on a getaway car. The Magikarp's car broke down however after being sabotaged by a ten-year-old and Team Victini is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot and Team Original crossed the finish line first. However since they both cheated they received penalties meaning that Team Original had to send someone home. Minccino and Eevee broke up their alliance with Kirlia and the votes ended in a tie. In the end Litten got sent home making Kirlia cry and making me laugh. How will she deal with Litten's departure moving forward? And will Zorua be mad at her team for leaving her locked in a safe for hours. Find out right here, on Total...Drama...POKEMON!

(Theme song;Cafeteria)

Zorua: ARGHH!!!

Boltund: Aw, someone didn't have their coffee this morning.

Zorua: Zip it delinquent or I'll lock you in a cage too.

Boltund: Will someone tell this chick she's being overdramatic?

Victini: Zorua you're being overdramatic... and I love it.

Zorua: Those fat turtles are gonna pay for what they did to me! I had to be in that stupid box for five hours! Well four hours but that rounds to five!

Victini: (Over loudspeaker) LISTEN UP CAMPERS!!!

Ditto: Agh! My ears. They bleed.

Jolteon: You have ears?

Victini: IT'S CHALLENGE TIME! Finish up your breakfast and meet me outside PRONTO!

Minccino: Yeah...I don't think I wanna finish this. (Holds up breakfast tray). Ew!

(A knife flies from the kitchen area)

Minccino: On second thought, this suddenly looks appetizing. 


Victini: Alright everybody! It's time for today's challenge. Wait, Team Original, you're missing half of your team. What's going on?

Pikachu: (arrives dragging Kirlia) Sorry we're late. Kirlia wouldn't leave the trailer. She kept crying over Litten's elimination and screaming when I tried to drag her out, so I had to tie her up and put duct tape over her mouth. But we're here now. 

Eevee: Maybe you should untie her now?

Pikachu: I will...later. 

Victini: Anyways today's challenge is based off of reality shows. And before any of you make a snarky but funny comment, yes I know this is already a reality show, but we're holding a reality show inside a reality show. It's called... um "Pokémon Got Talent?"

Flareon: That's so confusion. 

Victini: How this is gonna work is each team will pick two members to show off a talent which must be very difficult for the Magikarp. Those two members will then be judged by Garboder, a die, and one of the cast mates you voted off.

Kirlia: (Breaks out of rope) Is it Litten?

Victini: Yes.

Kirlia: EEEEEEEEE!!!

Victini: Just kidding, it's Vaporeon.

Kirlia: Why would you get my hopes up like that. (Starts crying)

Victini: Whoever has the lowest score out of 52 will send someone home tonight. You all have thirty minutes to prepare. GO!

Pikachu: Does anyone have any talents to-

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